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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, N, P, S and U

PANNUSpannus n. A hanging flap of skin or other tissue, especially one covering the cornea (in trachoma) or cartilage…
pannus n. (Meteorology) A type of accessory cloud, looking like shreds either attached to, or separated from…
pannus n. (Medicine) A tent for a wound.
PUCANSPUCAN n. (Irish) a traditional Connemara open sailing boat.
PUNGASpungas n. Plural of punga.
PUNGA n. (Maori) a tall tree-fern of New Zealand, with soft thick leaves, also PONGA.
PUNKASpunkas n. Plural of punka.
PUNKA n. (Hindi) a large palm-leaf fan suspended from the ceiling used esp in India, also PUNKAH.
SANNUPsannup n. (US) A male Native American, especially a married one; a brave.
sannup n. (US, Maine, colloquial) A mischievous male child.
SANNUP n. (Native American) a married male in North American Indian societies, also SANNOP.
SUPAWNsupawn n. Alternative form of suppawn.
SUPAWN n. (Native American) a kind of maize porridge, also SUPPAWN.
UNCAPSuncaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncap.
UNCAP v. to remove the cap from.
UNHASPunhasp v. (Obsolete) To unfasten.
UNHASP v. to unfasten a hasp.
UNPAYSunpays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unpay.
UNPAY v. to make good, do away by payment.
UNSNAPunsnap v. (Transitive) To unfasten (something held by snaps).
UNSNAP v. to undo the snaps of.
UNSPARunspar v. (Transitive) To take the spars, stakes, or bars from.
UNSPAR v. to withdraw a spa from.
ZUPANSzupans n. Plural of zupan.
Zupans prop.n. Plural of Zupan.
ZUPAN n. (Serbo-Croat) the body governing a zupa, a federation of Serbian villages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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