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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, M, S, T and U

AMAUTSamauts n. Plural of amaut.
AMAUT n. (Inuit) a hood on a woman's parka for carrying a child, also AMAUTI, AMAUTIK, AMOWT.
AUTISMautism n. (Clinical psychology) A pervasive neurological condition that is observable in early childhood and persists…
autism n. (Clinical psychology) Synonym of autism spectrum (disorder); generalization of the specific to a range.
autism n. (Historical, clinical psychology, now medically obsolete) A diagnosis involving a pathological tendency…
DATUMSdatums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of datum.
datums n. Plural of datum.
DATUM n. (Latin) something used as a basis for calculating.
GAMUTSgamuts n. Plural of gamut.
GAMUT n. the complete range of something, e.g. the full range of notes which a voice or instrument can produce.
MAZUTSmazuts n. Plural of mazut.
MAZUT n. (Russian) petroleum residue after distillation, also MAZOUT.
MEATUSmeatus n. (Anatomy) A tubular opening or passage leading to the interior of the body.
meatus n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of acoustic meatus, the passage leading into the ear.
MEATUS n. (Latin) a natural body passage.
MUSCATmuscat n. A white grape variety; used as table grapes and for making raisins and sweet wine.
muscat n. The muscatel wine made from these grapes.
muscat n. The vine bearing this fruit.
MUTASEmutase n. (Biochemistry) An isomerase that catalyzes the shifting of a functional group from one position to another…
MUTASE n. any of various enzymes that catalyze molecular rearrangements.
MUTHASmuthas n. Plural of mutha.
MUTHA n. (vulgar slang) an obnoxious person.
STRUMAstruma n. (Pathology) Scrofula.
struma n. (Pathology) A scrofulous swelling; a tumour or goitre.
Struma prop.n. A river in Bulgaria, and northern Greece, which flows into the Aegean Sea.
SUMMATsummat pron. (Northern England, especially Yorkshire) Something.
summat adv. (Northern England, especially Yorkshire) Something (somewhat; to a degree).
SUMMAT n. (dialect) something, somewhat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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