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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, M, O and 2R

ARMORSarmors n. Plural of armor.
armors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of armor.
Armors prop.n. Plural of Armor.
ARMORYarmory n. American form standard spelling of armoury.
ARMORY n. a place where weapons are stored, also ARMOURY.
ARMOURarmour n. British form standard spelling of armor.
armour v. British form standard spelling of armor.
Armour prop.n. A surname.
CARROMcarrom n. Alternative spelling of carom.
carrom v. Alternative spelling of carom.
CARROM v. to collide with and rebound, also CAROM.
MAREROMarero prop.n. A surname.
MARERO n. a member of a mara in the US or Central America.
MARORSMAROR n. (Hebrew) a dish of bitter herbs, esp. horseradish, eaten at the Jewish Passover.
MARRONmarron n. A sweet chestnut.
marron n. Cherax tenuimanus, a species of freshwater crayfish from Western Australia.
Marron prop.n. A surname from French.
MARROWmarrow n. (Uncountable) The substance inside bones which produces blood cells.
marrow n. (Countable) A kind of vegetable like a large courgette/zucchini or squash.
marrow n. The pith of certain plants.
MORRASMorras prop.n. Plural of Morra.
MORRA n. a game of guessing how many fingers are held up, also MORA.
MORTARmortar n. (Uncountable) A mixture of lime or cement, sand and water used for bonding building blocks.
mortar n. (Countable) A muzzle-loading, indirect fire weapon with a tube length of 10 to 20 calibers and designed…
mortar n. (Countable) A hollow vessel used to pound, crush, rub, grind or mix ingredients with a pestle.
RAMRODramrod n. (Firearms) Device used with muzzleloaders to push the projectile up against the propellant.
ramrod n. Ranch or trail foreman, usually the first or second person in charge. The person responsible for getting…
ramrod n. (Slang) An erect penis.
REMORAremora n. Any of various elongate fish from the family Echeneidae, the dorsal fin of which is in the form of a…
remora n. (Heraldry) A serpent.
remora n. (Obsolete) A delay; a hindrance, an obstacle.
ROAMERroamer n. One who roams.
ROAMER n. one who roams, a wanderer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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