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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing A, L, R, T and U

ARTFULartful adj. Characterized by, or performed with, cleverness or contrivance; clever, ingenious.
artful adj. Not naturally produced; artificial; imitative.
artful adj. Exhibiting or using much art or skill; dexterous; skilful.
BRUTALbrutal adj. Savagely violent, vicious, ruthless, or cruel.
brutal adj. Crude or unfeeling in manner or speech.
brutal adj. Harsh; unrelenting.
CURTALcurtal n. (Historical) A variety of short-barrelled cannon.
curtal n. (Music) An early type of bassoon.
curtal n. (Obsolete) A horse or other animal having a docked tail.
LUSTRAlustra n. Plural of lustrum.
LUSTRUM n. (Latin) a period of five years.
RITUALritual adj. Related to a rite or repeated set of actions.
ritual n. A rite; a repeated set of actions.
RITUAL adj. according to rite.
ROTULArotula n. (Anatomy) The patella; the kneecap.
rotula n. (Zoology) One of the five radial pieces in the dentary apparatus of the sea urchin.
ROTULA n. (Latin) the kneecap or patella.
TORULAtorula n. Any of a group of fungi, Cyberlindnera jadinii (synonym Candida utilis), related to the yeasts used…
torula n. A small torus.
TORULA n. (Latin) a yeastlike microorganism.
TULWARtulwar n. A type of curved sword used in India and throughout South Asia.
TULWAR n. (Hindi) an Indian sabre.
ULTRASultras n. Plural of ultra.
ULTRA n. (Latin) an advocate of extreme measures, also ULTRAIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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