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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, L, R, S and V

ALVARSalvars n. Plural of alvar.
ALVAR n. (Swedish) an area of exposed limestone.
LARVASlarvas n. Plural of larva.
LARVA n. (Latin) an animal in an immature but active state.
LAVERSlavers n. Plural of laver.
Lavers prop.n. Plural of Laver.
LAVER n. an edible seaweed of various kinds, including ulva.
LAVRASlavras n. Plural of lavra.
LAVRA n. (Greek) a group of huts or cells inhabited by reclusive monks in Egypt and the Middle East, also LAURA.
ORVALSORVAL n. a plant of the sage genus.
RAVELSravels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ravel.
RAVEL v. to entangle.
RIVALSrivals n. Plural of rival.
rivals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rival.
RIVAL v. to strive to equal or surpass.
SALVERsalver n. One who salves or cures.
salver n. One who pretends to cure; a quacksalver.
salver n. One who salves or saves goods, etc. from destruction or loss.
SALVORsalvor n. One who salvages; especially, one who voluntarily assists in saving a distressed ship or its goods at sea.
SALVOR n. one who assists in saving a ship or goods at sea, without being under special obligation to do so.
SERVALserval n. A medium-sized African wild cat, Leptailurus serval, formerly Felis serval.
SERVAL n. (Portuguese) a long-legged African wildcat with a yellowish coat and black spots.
SLAVERslaver v. (Intransitive) To drool saliva from the mouth; to slobber.
slaver v. (Intransitive) To fawn.
slaver v. (Transitive) To smear with saliva issuing from the mouth.
VALORSvalors n. Plural of valor.
VALOR n. (US) valour.
VARSALvarsal adj. (Obsolete, colloquial, usually with world) Whole, entire.
VARSAL adj. (colloquial) universal.
VELARSvelars n. Plural of velar.
VELAR n. a sound produced by the back of the tongue.
VERSALversal adj. (Obsolete) Universal.
versal n. (Typography, calligraphy) Ornamental letter that begins a section.
VERSAL n. an ornamental letter at the beginning of a section, e.g. in an illuminated manuscript.
VIRALSvirals n. Plural of viral.
VIRAL n. a sales promotion carried out by viral marketing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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