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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, L, O, R and U

LABOURlabour n. Effort expended on a particular task; toil, work.
labour n. That which requires hard work for its accomplishment; that which demands effort.
labour n. (Uncountable) Workers in general; the working class, the workforce; sometimes specifically the labour…
LOUVARlouvar n. Luvarus imperialis, a large ellipsoidal perciform fish related to the surgeonfish.
LOUVAR n. (Italian) a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish.
MORULAmorula n. (Embryology) A spherical mass of blastomeres that forms following the splitting of a zygote; it becomes the blastula.
MORULA n. (Latin) an embryonic mass of cells.
OCULARocular adj. Of, or relating to the eye, or the sense of sight.
ocular adj. Resembling the eye.
ocular adj. Seen by, or seeing with, the eye; visual.
OURALIourali n. Alternative form of wourali.
OURALI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURARI, URALI, URARI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI.
OVULARovular adj. Of or pertaining to an oval.
ovular adj. Of or pertaining to an ovule.
ovular n. (Feminism, rare) A seminar for feminists.
ROSULArosula n. A small rose.
Rosula prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the class Ophiuroidea – certain brittle stars.
ROSULA n. (Latin) a leaf-rosette.
ROTULArotula n. (Anatomy) The patella; the kneecap.
rotula n. (Zoology) One of the five radial pieces in the dentary apparatus of the sea urchin.
ROTULA n. (Latin) the kneecap or patella.
RUCOLArucola n. Rocket, arugula (plant Eruca sativa).
RUCOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, ARUGULA, RUGOLA.
RUGOLARUGOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, ARUGULA, RUCOLA.
TORULAtorula n. Any of a group of fungi, Cyberlindnera jadinii (synonym Candida utilis), related to the yeasts used…
torula n. A small torus.
TORULA n. (Latin) a yeastlike microorganism.
VALOURvalour n. Individually sustained verve or passion.
valour n. Value; worth.
valour n. Strength of mind in regard to danger; the quality which enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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