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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, L, M, S and T

ALMOSTalmost adv. Very close to, but not quite.
almost adv. (Mathematics) Up to, except for a negligible set (where negligible is not universally but contextually defined).
almost n. (Informal) Something or someone that doesn’t quite make it.
LAMESTlamest adj. Superlative form of lame: most lame.
LAME adj. disabled in the legs.
MALISTmalist n. One who subscribes to the theory of malism; someone who thinks the world is evil.
MALICE v. to have ill-will towards another.
METALSmetals n. Plural of metal.
metals n. (Rail transport) the rail tracks owned by a company or organisation; a rail network.
metals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of metal.
MISTALmistal n. (UK, Northern England) A cowshed.
MISTAL n. (English dialect) a cow shed.
SAMLETsamlet n. A young salmon.
SAMLET n. a young salmon, also SALMONET.
SMALTIsmalti n. Plural of smalto.
SMALTO n. (Italian) a piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.
SMALTOsmalto n. A piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.
SMALTO n. (Italian) a piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.
SMALTSsmalts n. Plural of smalt.
SMALT n. a blue pigment.
STOMALstomal adj. Of, or relating to a stoma.
STOMAL adj. pertaining to the stoma, also STOMATAL.
TALMAStalmas n. Plural of talma.
TALMA n. a long loose black cloak, often worn by tragedians.
TAMALStamals n. Plural of tamal.
TAMAL n. (Nahuatl) cornmeal dough rolled with ground meat or beans seasoned usually with chili, also TAMALE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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