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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, L, M, O and T

ALMOSTalmost adv. Very close to, but not quite.
almost adv. (Mathematics) Up to, except for a negligible set (where negligible is not universally but contextually defined).
almost n. (Informal) Something or someone that doesn’t quite make it.
AMATOLamatol n. A high explosive consisting of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene.
AMATOL n. an explosive composed of TNT. and ammonium nitrate.
LOMATALOMA n. (Greek) a membranous fringe or flap.
MALOTImaloti n. Plural of loti.
LOTI n. a monetary unit of Lesotho.
MALTOLmaltol n. (Chemistry) a substituted pyranone found in the bark and needles of some conifers and in roasted malt.
MALTOL n. a natural food additive used in bread and cakes.
MORTALmortal adj. Susceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury, or wound; not immortal.
mortal adj. Causing death; deadly, fatal, killing, lethal (Now only of wounds, injuries etc.).
mortal adj. Punishable by death.
SMALTOsmalto n. A piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.
SMALTO n. (Italian) a piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.
STOMALstomal adj. Of, or relating to a stoma.
STOMAL adj. pertaining to the stoma, also STOMATAL.
TOMBALtombal adj. Of or relating to tombs.
TOMBAL adj. pertaining to a tomb, also TOMBIC.
TOMIALtomial adj. Relating to the tomium.
TOMIAL adj. relating to the tomium, the cutting edge of a bird's bill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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