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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, I, R and 2S

ARISESarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arise.
arises n. Plural of arise.
arises n. Plural of aris.
CRASIScrasis n. (Obsolete) One’s constitution; the balance of humours in a person’s body.
crasis n. A mixture or combination.
crasis n. (Linguistics) External vowel sandhi; contraction of a vowel or diphthong at the end of a word with a…
CRISSAcrissa n. Plural of crissum.
CRISSUM n. (Latin) the area surrounding a bird's cloaca, including the under-tail feathers.
RAISESraises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of raise.
raises n. Plural of raise.
RAISE v. to move to a higher position.
RUSSIARussia prop.n. A country in Eastern Europe and North Asia, bordering on the Pacific and Arctic Oceans and the Baltic…
Russia prop.n. (Historical, loosely) The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (a very common name, although more formally…
Russia prop.n. (Historical) The Russian Empire; the tsarist empire in Russia lasting from 1721 to 1917.
SABIRSsabirs n. Plural of sabir.
Sabirs n. Plural of Sabir.
SABIR n. (French) a French-based pidgin language.
SARINSSarins prop.n. Plural of Sarin.
SARIN n. (German) a compound of phosphorus used as a lethal nerve gas.
SERAISserais n. Plural of serai.
SERAI n. (Turkish) a caravanserai, or rest house.
SIMARSsimars n. Plural of simar.
SIMAR n. (French) a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, CYMAR, SIMARRE, SYMAR.
SIRRASsirras n. Plural of sirra.
SIRRA n. (obsolete) a mode of address, sir, also SIREE, SIRRAH, SIRREE.
SISTRAsistra n. Plural of sistrum.
SISTRUM n. (Latin) a kind of rattle, consisting of a wooden or metal frame fitted with loose strips of metal and disks which jingled when moved.
SITARSsitars n. Plural of sitar.
Sitars prop.n. Plural of Sitar.
SITAR n. (Urdu) an Indian musical instrument, also SITTAR.
SIZARSsizars n. Plural of sizar.
SIZAR n. a British student who receives financial assistance, also SIZER.
STAIRSstairs n. Plural of stair.
stairs n. A contiguous set of steps connecting two floors.
Stairs prop.n. Plural of Stair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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