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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, I, P and 2S

APISMSAPISM n. the state of being like an ape.
ASPICSaspics n. Plural of aspic.
ASPIC n. a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze, also ASPIS.
ASPISHaspish adj. Pertaining to, or like, an asp.
ASPISH adj. like an asp.
DIPSASDipsas prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Dipsadidae – certain non-venomous New World snakes, called snail-eater.
DIPSAS n. (Greek) a fabled serpent whose bite was believed to cause intense thirst.
JASPISjaspis n. Obsolete form of jasper.
Jaspis prop.n. (Fandom slang) The ship of characters LazuliJasper and LapisLazulifrom the Steven Universe series.
JASPIS n. jasper, also JASP.
PAISASpaisas n. Plural of paisa.
PAISA n. (Hindi) an Indian coin, 1/100 of a rupee.
PASSIMpassim adv. Throughout or frequently.
passim adv. Here and there.
PASSIM adv. (Latin) here and there.
PASTISpastis n. A liqueur containing aniseed.
PASTIS n. (French) a French aniseed-flavoured aperitif.
PHASISphasis n. (Obsolete) A phase (Of the moon, a planet etc.).
phasis n. (Obsolete) Any phase or aspect of something.
phasis n. (Now rare) The first appearance of the new moon.
SAMPISsampis n. Plural of sampi.
SAMPI n. (Greek) a supposed name of a Greek numerical character representing 900.
SEPIASsepias n. Plural of sepia.
SEPIA n. a brown pigment, obtained from the ink of the cuttlefish.
SPAHISspahis n. Plural of spahi.
SPAHI n. (Turkish) formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman, also SPAHEE.
SPAILSSPAIL n. a splinter or chip, also SPALE, SPALL, SPALT.
SPAINSSPAIN v. (Scots) to wean, also SPANE, SPEAN.
SPAITSSPAIT n. a flood, a surge, also SPATE, SPEAT.
SPIALSspials n. Plural of spial.
SPIAL n. (obsolete) a spy, a scout, also SPYAL.
SPICASspicas n. Plural of spica.
SPICA n. (Latin) a bandage wound around an injured limb in repeated figures-of-eight forming a series of overlapping V-shapes suggesting an ear of barley.
SPINASSPINA n. (Latin) the spinal column.
STIPASstipas n. Plural of stipa.
STIPA n. (Latin) any grass of the feather grass genus Stipa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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