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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, I, N and 2T

ATTAINattain v. (Transitive) To gain (an object or desired result).
attain v. (Transitive) To reach or come to, by progression or motion; to arrive at (A place, time, state, etc.).
attain v. (Intransitive) To come or arrive, by motion, growth, bodily exertion, or efforts toward a place, object, state, etc.
INTACTintact adj. Left complete or whole; not touched, defiled, sullied or otherwise damaged.
intact adj. (Of female persons) virgin, having an intact hymen.
intact adj. (Usually of male persons, especially used by intactivists) uncircumcised, having an intact foreskin.
LATTINLattin prop.n. A surname.
LATTIN n. metal in thin plates, also LATTEN.
MATTINMATTIN n. (French) a morning prayer service, also MATIN.
STATINstatin n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of drugs (chiefly lactones or pyrroles) that lower the amount of cholesterol…
statin n. (Endocrinology) An inhibiting hormone; a hormone that is involved primarily in inhibiting the release…
-statin suff. Used to form the names of statin drugs.
TAINTStaints n. Plural of taint.
taints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taint.
TAINT v. to stain or blemish.
TANISTtanist n. (Historical) The heir presumptive to the chieftainship or kingship of a Celtic clan in ancient Ireland…
TANIST n. (historical) the heir apparent to a Celtic chief.
TITANStitans n. Plural of titan.
Titans n. Plural of Titan.
TITAN n. a person of great size.
TITIANtitian n. A bright auburn colour, tinted with gold.
titian adj. Of a bright auburn colour, tinted with gold, especially in reference to hair.
Titian prop.n. A sixteenth century Italian painter, Tiziano Vecellio.
TITMANtitman n. The runt of a litter.
titman n. (Regional, US) A short person.
TITMAN n. the smallest of a litter of pigs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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