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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, I, N, R and U

AIRGUNairgun n. Alternative spelling of air gun.
air-gun n. Alternative spelling of air gun.
air␣gun n. A gun that propels a projectile by compressed air.
ANURIAanuria n. (Medicine) A condition in which the kidneys do not produce urine.
ANURIA n. failure to urinate.
ANURICanuric adj. (Urology) Of, pertaining to, causing or afflicted with anuria.
ANURIC adj. relating to anuria, a failure to secrete urine.
DURIANdurian n. Any of several trees, genus Durio, of Southeast Asia.
durian n. The spiky edible fruit of this tree, known for its strong taste and very strong, unpleasant odor.
durian n. (Uncountable) A yellow colour, like that of durian flesh (also called durian yellow).
NAIRUSNAIRU n. an acronym for Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment.
NUTRIAnutria n. (Chiefly North America) The coypu, Myocastor coypus.
nutria n. The fur of the coypu.
NUTRIA n. (Spanish) the coypu, or its fur.
PRUINApruina n. (Botany) A white powdery bloom found on some lichens.
PRUINA n. (Latin) a powdery bloom upon the surface of plants.
RUMINArumina n. Plural of rumen.
RUMEN n. (Latin) a part of the stomach of a ruminant.
UNFAIRunfair adj. Not fair, unjust.
unfair adj. (Rare or archaic) not beautiful; uncomely; unattractive.
unfair adj. (Archaic or obsolete) sorrowful; sad.
UNHAIRunhair v. (Transitive) To remove hair from (something), especially from hide.
unhair v. (Intransitive) To become free from hair.
UNHAIR v. to remove the hair from.
URANIAurania n. (Mineralogy) Any of several impure mixtures of uranium oxides.
urania n. Any moth of genus Urania.
Urania prop.n. (Greek mythology) The Muse of astronomy.
URANICuranic adj. (Chemistry) Containing uranium in higher valences than uranous compounds.
uranic adj. (Historical) Heavenly, celestial; astronomical.
uranic adj. (Rare, historical) Of, related to, or characteristic of male same-sex erotic desire and relationships; homosexual.
URANINuranin n. (Chemistry) An alkaline salt of fluorescein, used as a brownish-red dye.
URANIN n. an alkaline salt of fluorescein, obtained as a brownish red substance, used as a dye.
URINALurinal n. A device or fixture used for urination, particularly…
urinal n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Any oblong glass vessel shaped like the old alchemist’s urinal.
urinal n. (Obsolete) A room or structure used for urination: a latrine; an outhouse; a lavatory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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