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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, I, L, N and U

ALUMINALUMIN n. an oxide of aluminum, also ALUMINA, ALUMINE.
ALUMNIalumni n. Plural of alumnus.
alumni n. (Often proscribed) An individual alumnus or alumna.
ALUMNUS n. (Latin) a former pupil.
ANNULIannuli n. Plural of annulus.
ANNULUS n. (Latin) a ring or ringlike part.
DUALINdualin n. (Dated) An explosive substance consisting essentially of sawdust or wood pulp saturated with nitroglycerin…
DUALIN n. an explosive mixture of sawdust, saltpetre and nitroglycerine.
INFULAinfula n. A fillet of white wool, worn on the head by ancient Roman priests.
infula n. A head covering worn by early Christian priests.
infula n. A ribbon on a bishop’s mitre.
INHAULinhaul n. (Nautical) A rope used to haul in the clew of a sail, or a jib boom.
INHAUL n. a line for bringing in a sail, also INHAULER.
INSULAinsula n. (Historical) A block of buildings in a Roman town.
insula n. (Neuroanatomy) A structure of the human brain located within the lateral sulcus.
INSULA n. (Latin) a Roman block of buildings.
INULASinulas n. Plural of inula.
INULA n. (Latin) a kind of plant, aka elecampane.
LINGUAlingua n. (Anatomy) Synonym of tongue.
lingua n. (Entomology) A median process of the labium, at the underside of the mouth in insects, and serving as a tongue.
LINGUA n. (Latin) the tongue.
LUMINAlumina n. Plural of lumen.
LUMEN n. (Latin) a unit of luminous flux.
NILGAUnilgau n. Alternative form of nilgai.
NILGAU n. (Hindi) a kind of antelope, also NILGAI, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI, NYLGHAU.
PAULINpaulin n. (US, nautical) A tarpaulin.
Paulin prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
PAULIN n. a sheet of waterproof material.
UNCIALuncial adj. (Rare) Of or relating to an ounce, or an inch, especially to letters printed an inch high.
uncial adj. Of or relating to a majuscule style of writing with unjoined, rounded letters, originally used in the…
uncial n. A style of writing using uncial letters.
UNITALunital adj. (Mathematics) (of an algebra) containing a multiplicative identity element (or unit), i.e. an element…
UNITAL adj. relating to a unit.
UNLAIDunlaid adj. Not laid.
unlaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of unlay.
UNLAY v. to untwist.
UNNAILunnail v. (Transitive) To remove the nails from.
UNNAIL v. to remove the nails from.
UNVAILunvail v. Obsolete spelling of unveil.
UNVAIL v. (obsolete) to unveil, also UNVAILE.
URINALurinal n. A device or fixture used for urination, particularly…
urinal n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Any oblong glass vessel shaped like the old alchemist’s urinal.
urinal n. (Obsolete) A room or structure used for urination: a latrine; an outhouse; a lavatory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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