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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, I, L, N and T

ANTLIAantlia n. (Zoology) The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects.
Antlia prop.n. (Astronomy) A faint winter constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a pump. The common English…
ANTLIA n. (Latin) the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies.
CATLINcatlin n. Alternative form of catling (surgical knife).
Catlin prop.n. A surname.
CATLIN n. a surgical knife, also CATLING.
ENTAILentail v. (Transitive) To imply, require, or invoke.
entail v. (Transitive) To settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing, or on a person and his descendants or…
entail v. (Transitive, obsolete) To appoint hereditary possessor.
INSTALinstal v. (Transitive, dated) Alternative spelling of install.
instal v. (Britain, rare) To pay by instalments.
INSTAL v. to place in position for use, also INSTALL.
LATINAlatina n. Alternative letter-case form of Latina.
Latina n. A Latin American woman. (Compare Latino.)
Latina adj. Of Latin American descent and female.
LATINOlatino n. Alternative letter-case form of Latino.
Latino adj. (Chiefly US) Of Latin American descent, Hispanic.
Latino n. (Chiefly US) A person, especially and usually (interpreted as) a male, from Latin America, a Hispanic…
LATTINLattin prop.n. A surname.
LATTIN n. metal in thin plates, also LATTEN.
LIBANTlibant adj. Sipping; touching lightly.
LIBANT adj. (archaic) sipping; touching lightly.
LITANYlitany n. A ritual liturgical prayer in which a series of prayers recited by a leader are alternated with responses…
litany n. (Figurative) A prolonged or tedious list.
LITANY n. a ceremonial form of prayer.
PLAINTplaint n. (Poetic or archaic) A lament or woeful cry.
plaint n. A complaint.
plaint n. (Archaic) A sad song.
PLIANTpliant adj. Capable of plying or bending; readily yielding to force or pressure without breaking.
pliant adj. (Figuratively) Easily influenced; tractable.
PLIANT adj. easily bent.
RATLINratlin n. (Nautical) Alternative form of ratline.
RATLIN n. any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLIN, RATTLINE, RATTLING.
TALIONtalion n. Retaliation; retribution.
TALION n. (historical) a punishment identical to the crime e.g. death sentence for murder.
TENAILtenail n. Alternative form of tenaille.
TENAIL n. an outwork in a main fortification ditch, also TENAILLE.
TINCALtincal n. (Chemistry, dated) crude native borax, formerly imported from Tibet, and once the chief source of boric compounds.
TINCAL n. (Malay) a crude native borax, formerly imported from Tibet.
TINDALtindal n. (India, dated) A petty officer among lascars; a boatswain’s mate; a cockswain.
tindal n. (India, dated) An attendant on an army.
Tindal prop.n. A surname.
TINEALTINEAL adj. relating to tinea, a name applied to various skin diseases, esp. ringworm.
TRINALtrinal adj. (Now rare) Having three parts; triple.
TRINAL adj. having three parts.
UNITALunital adj. (Mathematics) (of an algebra) containing a multiplicative identity element (or unit), i.e. an element…
UNITAL adj. relating to a unit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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