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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, I, L, M and P

IMPALAimpala n. An African antelope, Aepyceros melampus, noted for its leaping ability; the male has ridged, curved horns.
Impala prop.n. (US, automotive) Chevrolet Impala.
IMPALA n. (Zulu) an African antelope with horns curved in the shape of a lyre.
IMPALEimpale v. (Transitive) To pierce (something) with any long, pointed object.
impale v. (Transitive, heraldry) To place two coats of arms side by side on the same shield (often those of two…
impale v. (Transitive, intransitive) To pierce with a pale; to put to death by fixing on a sharp stake.
IMPARLimparl v. (Obsolete) To hold discourse; to parley.
imparl v. (Law) To have time before pleading; to have delay for mutual adjustment.
IMPARL v. to talk over, also EMPARL.
LIMPASLIMPA n. (Swedish) rye bread made with molasses.
LIPOMAlipoma n. (Pathology) A nonmalignant tumor comprising fat cells.
LIPOMA n. (Greek) a tumor of fatty tissue.
LUMPIAlumpia n. (Chiefly Philippines and Indonesia) A kind of spring roll.
LUMPIA n. (Chinese) an Indonesian spring roll.
MAGILPmagilp n. Alternative form of megilp.
MAGILP n. a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting, also MEGILP, MEGILPH.
MILPASmilpas n. Plural of milpa.
MILPA n. (Spanish) in Central America and Mexico, a small cultivated field, usually of corn or maize.
PALMIEPALMIE n. (Scots) a stroke of the tawse on the palm, also PALMY.
PRIMALprimal adj. Being the first in time or in history.
primal adj. Of greatest importance; primary.
primal adj. (Meat trade) Being one of the pieces of meat initially separated from the carcass during butchering…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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