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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, I, L, M and N

ALMAINalmain n. Alternative form of Almain (“type of dance”).
Almain prop.n. (Now historical) Germany.
Almain n. (Now archaic, literary, poetic) A German.
ALUMINALUMIN n. an oxide of aluminum, also ALUMINA, ALUMINE.
ALUMNIalumni n. Plural of alumnus.
alumni n. (Often proscribed) An individual alumnus or alumna.
ALUMNUS n. (Latin) a former pupil.
ANIMALanimal n. (Sciences) A eukaryote of the clade Animalia; a multicellular organism that is usually mobile, whose…
animal n. (Loosely) Any member of the kingdom Animalia other than a human.
animal n. (Loosely, colloquial) Any land-living vertebrate (I.e. not fishes, insects, etc.).
LAMINAlamina n. A thin layer, plate, or scale of material.
LAMINA n. (Latin) a thin plate or layer, also LAMELLA.
LAMINGlaming n. The act or process of rendering lame.
laming v. Present participle of lame.
LAME v. to make lame.
LIMANSlimans n. Plural of liman.
Limans n. Plural of Liman.
LIMAN n. (Russian) a lagoon at the mouth of an estuary where slime is deposited.
LIMINAlimina n. Plural of limen.
LIMEN n. (Latin) a threshold, a limit below which a stimulus becomes imperceptible.
LINGAMlingam n. (Shaivism) The aniconic phallic representation traditionally worshipped as a symbol of or in connection with Shiva.
lingam n. (Rare and/or euphemistic) The penis.
LINGAM n. (Sanskrit) the phallic symbol under which Siva is principally worshipped in his character of the creative and reproductive power, also LINGA.
LUMINAlumina n. Plural of lumen.
LUMEN n. (Latin) a unit of luminous flux.
MAINLYmainly adv. Chiefly; for the most part.
mainly adv. (Obsolete) Forcefully, vigorously.
mainly adv. (Obsolete) Of the production of a sound: loudly, powerfully.
MALIGNmalign adj. Evil or malignant in disposition, nature, intent or influence.
malign adj. Malevolent.
malign adj. (Oncology) Malignant.
MALINEMALINE n. (French) a delicate net used for veils.
MALKINmalkin n. (Now archaic, regional) A (stereotypical name for a) lower-class or uncultured woman; a kitchenmaid; a slattern.
malkin n. (Now regional) A mop, especially one used to clean a baker’s oven.
malkin n. (Obsolete, nautical) A mop or sponge attached to a jointed staff for swabbing out a cannon.
MANILAmanila adj. Made of manila paper or material like it.
manila adj. (Color) Yellow-brown; colored like manila paper.
manila n. Fiber made from abaca (Manila hemp), used to make ropes and manila paper.
MARLINmarlin n. Any species of game fish belonging to either of the genera Tetrapturus or Makaira. Every such species…
Marlin prop.n. A surname.
Marlin prop.n. A city, the county seat of Falls County, Texas, United States. Named after John Marlin.
MASLINmaslin n. A mixture composed of different materials; especially…
maslin adj. Composed of different sorts.
MENIALmenial adj. Of or relating to work normally performed by a servant.
menial adj. Of or relating to unskilled work.
menial adj. Servile; low; mean.
MONIALmonial n. (Obsolete, architecture) A mullion.
monial n. (Christianity, now rare) A nun, especially one dedicated to an enclosed order.
MONIAL n. a mullion, the upright division between the panes of a window.
OILMANoilman n. Somebody involved in the production, refinement or delivery of oil; such as an oil field worker or executive…
oilman n. (Dated) A retailer who sells vegetable oils, and food preserved in oil.
OILMAN n. one who owns or operates an oil well.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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