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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, I, K, R and S

ARIKISarikis n. Plural of ariki.
ARIKI n. (Maori) the firstborn male or female of a notable family.
ASKARIaskari n. (Historical) A member of a local African military or police unit, usually one serving in a European colonial force.
Askari prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
ASKARI n. (Arabic) an East African soldier or policeman.
FAKIRSfakirs n. Plural of fakir.
FAKIR n. (Arabic) a Hindu ascetic, also FAKEER, FAQIR, FAQUIR.
FRISKAfriska n. The fast section of a csardas.
FRISKA n. (Hungarian) the fast section of a Hungarian dance, also FRIS.
KAFIRSkafirs n. Plural of kafir.
KAISERkaiser n. Alternative form of Kaiser.
Kaiser n. An emperor of a German-speaking country, particularly the Holy Roman Empire (962–1806), the Austrian…
Kaiser n. (By extension) Any emperor or autocrat, or one who attempts to be one.
KARRISkarris n. Plural of karri.
KARRI n. (Native Australian) a type of Australian gum tree.
KAURISkauris n. Plural of kauri.
KAURI n. (Maori) a gum- and timber-yielding tree of New Zealand, also KAURY.
KRAITSkraits n. Plural of krait.
KRAIT n. (Hindi) a venomous snake of India, also KARAIT.
PARKISparkis n. Plural of parki.
PARKI n. a fur shirt or coat with a hood, also PARKA, PARKEE.
RAKIASrakias n. Plural of rakia.
RAKIA n. a kind of fruit brandy produced by distillation of fermented fruit, popular throughout the Balkans, also RAKIJA.
RAKISHrakish adj. Dashingly, carelessly, or sportingly unconventional or stylish; jaunty; characterized by a devil-may-care…
rakish adj. (Dated) Like a rake; dissolute; profligate.
RAKISH adj. dapper.
SHIKARshikar n. (India) Hunting, sport; a hunting expedition.
shikar n. Hunting guide (elsewhere besides India, e.g. Australia).
shikar v. (India, dated, transitive, intransitive) To hunt; to go hunting.
SHIKRAshikra n. A species of hawk, Accipiter badius.
SHIKRA n. (Hindi) a small sparrow hawk.
SIRKARsirkar n. (India) A province or district.
sirkar n. (India) The Government, the State.
sirkar n. (India) A native steward or housekeeper.
STRAIKstraik n. Alternative form of strake.
STRAIK v. to stroke, also STRAKE.
TRAIKSTRAIK v. (Scots) to make one's way wearily; to get lost.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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