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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, 2I, M and N

AIMINGaiming v. Present participle of aim.
aiming n. The act of one who aims.
AIM v. to direct a course.
AMIDINamidin n. (Chemistry) Starch modified by heat so as to become a transparent mass, like horn. It is soluble in cold water.
AMIDIN n. the soluble matter of starch.
AMINICaminic adj. Characteristic of an amine.
AMINIC adj. of or like an amine, a compound derived from ammonia.
ANIMISANIMI n. (Tupi) the resin of the West Indian locust-tree, also ANIME.
DIAMINdiamin n. Archaic form of diamine.
DIAMIN n. a chemical compound containing two amino groups, also DIAMINE.
INFIMAinfima n. Plural of infimum.
INFIMUM n. (Latin) a mathematical term for the greatest lower bound.
INTIMAintima n. (Anatomy) The innermost part of an anatomical structure, particularly a tubular one.
INTIMA n. (Latin) the innermost layer of an organ.
LIMINAlimina n. Plural of limen.
LIMEN n. (Latin) a threshold, a limit below which a stimulus becomes imperceptible.
MINIMAminima n. Plural of minimum.
MINIMUM n. (Latin) the least possible amount.
PAINIMpainim n. Alternative spelling of paynim.
PAINIM n. (obsolete) a pagan, also PANIM, PAYNIM.
SAIMINsaimin n. A Hawaiian noodle soup garnished with green onions.
SAIMIN n. (Chinese) a Hawaiian noodle soup.
SIMIANsimian adj. Of or pertaining to apes; apelike.
simian adj. Bearing resemblance to an ape.
simian n. An ape or monkey, especially an anthropoid.
VIMINAvimina n. Plural of vimen.
VIMEN n. (Latin) a long branch of a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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