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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, H, O, R and S

ABHORSabhors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abhor.
ABHOR v. to loathe, hate.
AHORSEahorse adv. (Archaic) On the back of a horse; on horseback.
AHORSE adv. (archaic) on horseback, also AHORSEBACK.
AROHASAROHA n. (Maori) love, compassion.
ASHOREashore adv. (Nautical) On the land as opposed to onboard.
ashore adv. (Nautical) On, or towards the shore.
ASHORE adv. toward or on the shore.
HOARDShoards n. Plural of hoard.
hoards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hoard.
Hoards prop.n. Plural of Hoard.
HOARSEhoarse adj. Having a dry, harsh tone to the voice, as a result of a sore throat, age, emotion, etc.
hoarse v. (Uncommon) To utter hoarsely; to croak.
hoarse n. Obsolete spelling of horse.
HORAHShorahs n. Plural of horah.
HORAH n. (Hebrew) an Israeli dance, also HORA.
OMRAHSomrahs n. Plural of omrah.
OMRAH n. (Hindi) a Muslim lord.
ORISHAorisha n. A divine entity in Yoruba religion that possesses the supernatural capability of reflecting some of…
ORISHA n. (Yoruba) any of the minor gods or spirits of traditional Yoruba religion, also ORIXA.
PHAROSpharos n. (Historical) An ancient lighthouse or beacon to guide sailors.
pharos n. (Figuratively) That which stands out; a shining light.
Pharos prop.n. A small island off Alexandria where the Lighthouse of Alexandria was located.
PHASORphasor n. (Mathematics) A representation of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential.
phasor n. (Sciences, engineering) A plotted line whose length and angle represent the amplitude and phase, respectively…
phasor n. A phase modulator.
SHARONSharon prop.n. A plain in Israel.
Sharon prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew derived from the biblical place name.
Sharon prop.n. A unisex given name from Hebrew derived from the biblical place name.
SHOFARshofar n. (Judaism) A ram’s-horn trumpet.
SHOFAR n. (Hebrew) a horn blown in certain Jewish rituals, also SHOPHAR.
SHOORASHOORA n. (Arabic) the Islamic principle of (rule by) consultation; an Islamic consultative council, also SHURA.
SHORANSHORAN n. (Military) Acronym of short-range navigation.
SHORAN n. a system of navigation in an aircraft or other vehicle using the measurement of the time taken for dispatched radar signals to return from two known fixed points.
TORAHSTorahs n. Plural of Torah.
TORAH n. (Hebrew) the body of Jewish law, also TORA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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