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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, H, M, R and S

ASHRAMashram n. (Hinduism) A secluded religious hermitage inhabited by gurus, or the population of such a hermitage.
ASHRAM n. (Sanskrit) the dwelling of a Hindu religious philosopher, also ASRAMA.
CHARMScharms n. Plural of charm.
charms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of charm.
CHARM v. to enchant.
HARAMSharams n. Plural of haram.
HARAM n. (Arabic) a women's quarters in a Muslim house; a set of wives and concubines, also HAREEM, HAREM, HARIM.
HAREMSharems n. Plural of harem.
HAREM n. (Arabic) a women's quarters in a Muslim house; a set of wives and concubines, also HARAM, HAREEM, HARIM.
HARIMSharims n. Plural of harim.
HARIM n. (Arabic) a women's quarters in a Muslim house; a set of wives and concubines, also HARAM, HAREEM, HAREM.
IHRAMSihrams n. Plural of ihram.
IHRAM n. (Arabic) the white cotton garment worn by Muslim pilgrims to Mecca.
MAHSIRmahsir n. Alternative form of mahseer (“type of fish”).
MAHSIR n. (Hindi) a large freshwater fish, also MAHSEER.
MARAHSmarahs n. Plural of marah.
MARAH n. (Hebrew) in Biblical allusions, bitterness; something bitter.
MARISHmarish n. (Now poetic or archaic) A marsh.
marish adj. (Now poetic or archaic) Marshy; growing in bogs or marshes.
MARISH n. a tract of low, wet land, also MARSH.
MARSHYmarshy adj. Of, or resembling a marsh; boggy.
marshy adj. Growing in marshy ground.
MARSHY adj. resembling a marsh.
MASHERmasher n. One who, or that which, mashes.
masher n. (Brewing) A machine for making mash.
masher n. (Informal) A fashionable man in the late Victorian era.
OMRAHSomrahs n. Plural of omrah.
OMRAH n. (Hindi) a Muslim lord.
PHARMSpharms n. Plural of pharm.
PHARM v. to redirect computer users from legitimate websites to counterfeit sites in order to gain confidential information about them.
SHAMERshamer n. One who disgraces someone or makes them feel ashamed, especially by public criticism.
shamer n. (Obsolete) Something which makes someone feel ashamed.
SHAMER n. one who causes shame.
SHMEARshmear n. Alternative form of schmear.
shmear v. Alternative form of schmear.
SHMEAR v. (Yiddish) to bribe.
THARMStharms n. Plural of tharm.
THARM n. the belly, intestines, also THAIRM.
UMRAHSumrahs n. Plural of umrah.
UMRAH n. a lesser pilgrimage to Mecca made separately or at the same time as the hajj, and consisting of a number of devotional rituals performed within the city, also UMRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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