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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, G, M, N and S

GAMINSgamins n. Plural of gamin.
GAMIN n. (French) a street urchin; a precocious imp.
GASMANgasman n. (Colloquial) A worker for a company that supplies gas (in the sense of the gaseous fuel), especially…
gasman n. A man employed in the manufacture of gas.
gasman n. The man who controls the lights of the stage.
GASMENgasmen n. Plural of gasman.
GASMAN n. an employee of a gas company.
MAGNESmagnes n. Obsolete form of magnet.
MAGNES n. (archaic) a lodestone, also MAGNESSTONE.
MAGNUSMagnus prop.n. A male given name from Latin of mostly Scottish and Scandinavian usage.
Magnus prop.n. A surname.
MAGNUS adj. as in magnus hitch, a knot similar to a clove hitch.
MANGASmangas n. (Now historical) A type of cocky, working-class man in early twentieth-century Greece, associated with…
mangas n. Plural of manga.
MANGA n. (Japanese) an adult comic book.
MANGESmanges n. Plural of mange.
MANGE n. a skin disease of domestic animals.
MANGOSmangos n. Plural of mango.
MANGO n. a tropical tree of the cashew-nut family; its yellowish-red fleshy fruit.
MASINGmasing v. Present participle of mase.
masing adj. That acts as a maser.
MASE v. to act as a maser, a device used to amplify long-range radar and radio astronomy signals.
MUNGASmungas n. Plural of munga.
MUNGA n. (New Zealand) an army canteen.
MUSANGmusang n. The Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), of South and Southeast Asia up to the Wallace Line.
MUSANG n. (Malay) a civetlike animal of South Asia, aka paradoxure.
NGOMASngomas n. Plural of ngoma.
NGOMA n. (Swahili) a type of drum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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