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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, G, L, N and O

AGONALagonal adj. Of or pertaining to struggle, competition or conflict; of or pertaining to an agon.
agonal adj. Of or pertaining to the pain of death.
AGONAL adj. relating to agon, the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work.
ANALOGanalog adj. (Of a device or system) In which the value of a data item (such as time) is represented by a continuous(ly)…
analog adj. Not relating to, or pre-dating, digital technology such as computers and the Internet; relating to real life.
analog n. (Countable) Something that bears an analogy to something else.
ANGLOSanglos n. Plural of anglo.
Anglos n. Plural of Anglo.
ANGLO n. a white inhabitant of the US not of Latin origin.
ANGOLAAngola prop.n. A country in Southern Africa.
Angola prop.n. The Louisiana State Penitentiary.
Angola prop.n. An unincorporated community in Sussex County, Delaware, United States.
ENGAOLengaol v. (Transitive, Britain, archaic) To imprison in a gaol.
ENGAOL v. (Shakespeare) to put in gaol.
FLAGONflagon n. A large vessel resembling a jug, usually with a handle, lid, and spout, for serving drinks such as cider…
flagon n. (Archaic) A large bottle for drinks such as beer, cider, or wine; also, a bottle with a cap used by travellers.
FLAGON n. a large vessel containing drink for use at table, usually with a handle, spout, and lid.
GALLONgallon n. A unit of volume, equivalent to eight pints.
gallon n. (Britain, Canada) exactly 4.54609 liters; an imperial gallon.
gallon n. (US) 231 cubic inches or approximately 3.785 liters for liquids (a "U.S. liquid gallon").
GOLLANGOLLAN n. (dialect) a name for various yellow flowers including marigold, also GOLLAND, GOWLAN, GOWLAND.
GOWLANGOWLAN n. (dialect) a name for various yellow flowers including marigold, also GOLLAN, GOLLAND, GOWLAND.
KALONGkalong n. A fruit bat, especially the Indian edible fruit bat or black-eared flying fox (Pteropus melanotus).
KALONG n. (Malay) a fruit-eating bat.
LAGOONlagoon n. A shallow body of water separated from deeper sea by a bar.
LAGOON n. a shallow body of water, also LAGUNA, LAGUNE.
LANUGOlanugo n. Soft down or fine hair, specifically that covering the human foetus or a tumorous area.
LANUGO n. (Latin) a woolly down, esp. covering the human fetus.
LOGANSlogans n. Plural of logan.
LOGAN n. a rocking-stone.
LONGANlongan n. An evergreen tree, Dimocarpus longan, of the Sapindaceae family, native to southern China.
longan n. The fruit from the longan tree.
Long'an prop.n. A district of Anyang, Henan, China.
LONGASlongas n. Plural of longa.
LONGA n. (Latin) a long note.
PONGALpongal n. A sweet or savoury Indian rice dish.
Pongal prop.n. A Hindu harvest festival of South India, particularly in the Tamil community, observed at the start…
PONGAL n. a dish of cooked rice in Tamil-speaking India.
SLOGANslogan n. A distinctive phrase of a person or group of people (such as a movement or political party); a motto.
slogan n. (Advertising) A catchphrase associated with a product or service being advertised.
slogan n. (Obsolete) A battle cry among the ancient Irish or highlanders of Scotland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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