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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, G, I, N and P

AMPINGamping v. Present participle of amp.
AMP v. (Australian slang) to excite.
APTINGAPT v. to adapt.
CAPINGcaping v. Present participle of cape.
CAPE v. to keep a course towards a cape.
GAPINGgaping v. Present participle of gape.
gaping adj. Wide open.
gaping adj. Having the jaw wide open, as in astonishment or stupefaction.
JAPINGjaping v. Present participle of jape.
japing n. Japery; joking.
JAPING adj. joking.
NAPINGnaping v. Present participle of nape.
NAPE v. to attack with napalm.
PACINGpacing v. Present participle of pace.
pacing n. The act of moving in paces, or their arrangement or timing.
PACING n. the act of setting a pace.
PAGINGpaging n. The arrangement of pages in a book or other publication.
paging n. (Computing) A transfer of pages between main memory and an auxiliary store, such as hard disk drive.
paging v. Present participle of page.
PALINGpaling v. Present participle of pale.
paling n. A pointed stick used to make a fence.
paling n. A fence made of palings.
PANINGpaning v. Present participle of pane.
PANE v. to insert panels in.
PARINGparing v. Present participle of pare.
paring n. A fragment or shaving that has been pared.
paring n. The cutting off of the surface of grassland for tillage.
PAVINGpaving v. Present participle of pave.
paving n. The hard durable surface placed directly atop the ground, as on a street or sidewalk.
paving n. Interior pavement, as in a cathedral.
PAWINGpawing v. Present participle of paw.
pawing n. The act of one who paws.
PAW v. to draw the forefoot along the ground.
PAYINGpaying v. Present participle of pay.
paying n. Payment.
PAYING n. the act of sealing with tar.
PIGMANpigman n. A farm worker who looks after pigs.
pigman n. (Obsolete) A dealer in crockery.
Pigman prop.n. A surname.
PINANGpinang n. A palm of the genus Nenga, endemic to Southeast Asia.
PINANG n. (Malay) a palm tree.
RAPINGraping v. Present participle of rape.
raping n. Rape (sexual violation).
raping n. Misspelling of rapping.
SPAINGSPAING n. staying at a spa.
TAPINGtaping v. Present participle of tape.
taping n. The act of something being recorded on tape.
taping n. The act of something being stuck with adhesive tape.
VAPINGvaping n. The action of the verb to vape; the use of an e-cigarette.
vaping v. Present participle of vape.
VAPING n. the practice of inhaling nicotine vapour (from an electronic cigarette).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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