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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, G, I and 2N

ANGINAangina n. (Pathology) An inflammatory infection of the throat, particularly quinsy.
angina n. (Pathology) Short for angina pectoris.
angina n. (Pathology, cardiology) A chest pain or shortness of breath occurring with lesser degrees of arterial blockage.
ANTINGanting n. (Ornithology) The practice of some birds of rubbing live ants or occasionally other items into the feathers…
ANTING n. the practice of certain birds in putting ants on their feathers to rid themselves of parasites.
AWNINGawning n. A rooflike cover, usually of canvas, extended over or before any place as a shelter from the sun, rain, or wind.
awning n. (Nautical) That part of the poop deck which is continued forward beyond the bulkhead of the cabin.
AWNING n. a rooflike canvas cover.
BANINGbaning v. Present participle of bane.
BANE v. to kill with poison.
CANINGcaning v. Present participle of cane.
caning n. A beating with a cane.
CANING n. a beating with a rod.
EANINGeaning v. Present participle of ean.
EAN v. (Shakespeare) to give birth to, also YEAN.
FINGANFINGAN n. (Arabic) the handleless coffee cup which fits within a zarf, also FINJAN.
GANOINganoin n. Alternative form of ganoine.
GANOIN n. the hard shiny substance resembling enamel which forms the outer layer of ganoid fish-scales, also GANOINE.
GUANINguanin n. Dated form of guanine.
GUANIN n. a yellowish-white, amorphous substance, forming a constituent of nucleic acids, also GUANINE.
INANGAinanga n. (New Zealand) A fish, the jollytail (Galaxias maculatus).
INANGA n. (Maori) the New Zealand whitebait.
INGANSINGAN n. (Scots) an onion.
INNAGEinnage n. The quantity of goods remaining in a container when received after shipment.
innage n. (Aeronautics) The amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tanks of an aircraft following a flight.
INNAGE n. the quantity of goods remaining in a container after shipment.
LIGNANlignan n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of phenylpropanoid (propylbenzene) type of molecules found in essentially…
LIGNAN n. a beneficial substance found in plants.
NAMINGnaming n. The process of giving names to things.
naming n. A ritual or ceremony in which a person’s name is given or announced.
naming v. Present participle of name.
NAPINGnaping v. Present participle of nape.
NAPE v. to attack with napalm.
PANINGpaning v. Present participle of pane.
PANE v. to insert panels in.
PINANGpinang n. A palm of the genus Nenga, endemic to Southeast Asia.
PINANG n. (Malay) a palm tree.
SANINGSANE v. to make the sign of the cross on, also SAIN.
UNGAINungain adj. (Obsolete or UK, dialect) ungainly; clumsy; awkward.
ungain adj. (Obsolete or UK, dialect) troublesome; inconvenient.
UNGAIN adj. (dialect) awkward, uncouth, also UNGAINLY.
WANINGwaning v. Present participle of wane.
waning adj. Becoming weaker or smaller.
waning adj. Of the lunar phase: as it shrinks when viewed from the Earth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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