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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, G, I, L and O

ALGOIDalgoid adj. Resembling, or characteristic of algae.
ALGOID adj. of the nature of, or resembling, an alga.
ALOGIAalogia n. A general lack of additional, unprompted content in normal speech, a common symptom of schizophrenia.
ALOGIA n. the inability to speak.
CALIGOcaligo n. (Medicine, obsolete) dimness or obscurity of sight, caused by a speck on the cornea.
caligo n. A butterfly of the genus Caligo.
CALIGO n. (Latin) a reduction in vision due to a speck on the cornea.
DIALOGdialog n. A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals.
dialog n. In a dramatic or literary presentation, the verbal parts of the script or text; the verbalizations of…
dialog n. A literary form, where the presentation resembles a conversation.
GALIOTgaliot n. Alternative spelling of galliot.
GALIOT n. (French) a small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, also GALLIOT.
GLIOMAglioma n. (Pathology) A tumour that arises from glial cells in the brain or spinal cord.
GLIOMA n. a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
GLORIAgloria n. A lightweight fabric used for umbrellas and dresses.
gloria n. (Religion, countable) A doxology.
Gloria prop.n. A female given name from Latin. Popular during the first half of the 20th century.
GOALIEgoalie n. (Sports, colloquial) A goalkeeper or goaltender.
goalie v. (Ice hockey, colloquialism) To act as a goalie, to tend the goals, to mind the net.
GOALIE n. a player who defends against goals.
GOLIASGolias prop.n. A surname.
GOLIAS v. to behave irreverently.
LAOGAIlaogai n. The use of prison labor and prison farms in the People’s Republic of China.
LAOGAI n. (Chinese) the system of forced labor camps in China.
LATIGOlatigo n. A strap used to tighten a cinch.
LATIGO n. (Spanish) a strap used to fasten a saddle.
LOGGIAloggia n. (Architecture) A roofed, open gallery, usually on an upper level.
LOGGIA n. (Italian) an open-sided gallery or arcade.
OGIVALogival adj. Having the curved, pointed shape of an ogive.
ogival adj. Possessing ogives.
OGIVAL adj. of or like an ogive.
OILGASoil␣gas n. Gas for lighting or heating, made by distilling oil in closed retorts.
OILGAS n. a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons used as a fuel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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