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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, E, R, T and U

ACTUREacture n. (Obsolete) Action.
ACTURE n. (Shakespeare) action or performance.
ACUTERacuter adj. Comparative form of acute: more acute.
ACUTE adj. sharply pointed.
ARBUTEarbute n. (Archaic, countable) The strawberry tree.
arbute n. (Archaic, uncountable) The wood of the strawberry tree.
ARBUTE n. an evergreen tree, the strawberry tree, also ARBUTUS.
ARGUTEargute adj. (Literary) Sharp; perceptive; shrewd.
argute adj. (Literary) Shrill in sound.
ARGUTE adj. shrill, keen.
AUNTERaunter n. (Obsolete) adventure.
AUNTER n. (obsolete) an adventure.
AURATEaurate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any salt of auric acid.
AURATE n. a salt derived from auric acid.
AUTEURauteur n. A creative artist, especially a film director, seen as having a specific, recognisable artistic vision…
AUTEUR n. (French) a film director, esp. when thought of as the creator of a particular genre and carrying a personal stamp, also AUTEURIST.
CAUTERcauter n. A hot iron for searing or cauterizing.
CAUTER n. a hot iron for searing or cauterizing.
CURATEcurate n. An assistant rector or vicar.
curate n. A parish priest.
curate n. (Ireland) An assistant barman.
HAUTERHauter prop.n. A surname from German.
HAUT adj. (French) high; (Shakespeare) haughty, exalted, also HAUGHT, HAULT.
MATUREmature adj. Fully developed; grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking; ripe.
mature adj. Brought to a state of complete readiness.
mature adj. Profound; careful.
NATUREnature n. (Uncountable, often capitalized) The way things are, the totality of all things in the physical universe…
nature n. The particular way someone or something is, especially.
nature n. The vital functions or strength of someone or something, especially (now dialect) as requiring nourishment…
QUARTEquarte n. (Fencing) The fourth defensive position, with the sword hand held at chest height, and the tip of the…
QUARTE n. the fourth of eight parrying or attacking positions in fencing.
QUATREquatre n. (Archaic, dice games, card games, dominoes) A card, die, or domino with four spots or pips.
QUATRE n. (French) a card, die, or domino, having four spots, or pips.
RUGATErugate adj. Having alternate ridges and depressions; wrinkled.
RUGATE adj. wrinkled; covered with sunken lines, also RUGOSE, RUGOUS.
TAUTERtauter adj. Comparative form of taut: more taut.
TAUT adj. stretched tight.
UPRATEuprate v. (Transitive) To give a higher rating to.
uprate v. (Transitive, philately) To put a higher value of postage on (a letter) than required by the official rate.
uprate n. An increase in a rating.
UPTEARuptear v. (Transitive, archaic or poetic) To tear up (wrench from the ground).
UPTEAR v. to tear out by the roots.
URATESurates n. Plural of urate.
URATE n. a salt of uric acid, found in e.g. bird droppings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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