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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, E, N, R and Y

ANERGYanergy n. (Physics) Dilute or disorganized energy, which cannot be transformed into work.
anergy n. (Pathology) Deficiency of energy.
anergy n. (Immunology) Lack of immunity to an antigen.
ANERLYANERLY adv. (Scots) only.
BARNEYbarney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A lark, a romp, some fun.
barney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A hoax, a humbug, something that is not genuine, a rigged or unfair sporting contest.
barney n. (Obsolete, Harvard University slang) A poor recitation.
CARNEYcarney n. Alternative form of carny.
carney v. Alternative form of carny.
Carney prop.n. A surname.
DENARYdenary n. An ancient coin, the denarius.
denary adj. Containing ten parts.
denary adj. Based on the number ten.
LARNEYLarney prop.n. A surname from Irish.
LARNEY n. (South African) a white person, a rich person.
LARNEY adj. of clothes, smart.
NAPERYnapery n. Household linen, especially table linen.
NAPERY n. table and other household linen.
NEARBYnearby adj. Adjacent, near, close by.
nearby adv. Next to, close to.
nearby n. (Finance) A futures contract, of a particular group, whose settlement date is the earliest.
NEARLYnearly adv. (Now rare) With great scrutiny; carefully.
nearly adv. With close relation; intimately.
nearly adv. Closely, in close proximity.
RAYNESRAYNE n. (Spenser) a reign, also RAINE.
RENAYSrenays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of renay.
RENAY v. (obsolete) to renounce, abjure, also RENEY, RENY.
SARNEYsarney n. Alternative form of sarnie.
SARNEY n. (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNIE.
SENARYsenary adj. Of sixth rank or order.
senary adj. (Arithmetic) Of, pertaining to, or based on six.
senary n. (Arithmetic) The numeral system which uses six as the base.
TRAYNEtrayne n. Obsolete form of train.
trayne v. Obsolete form of train.
TRAYNE v. (Spenser) to train, to undergo instruction.
YANKERyanker n. Someone who yanks, or gives a sudden hard pull.
yanker n. (Scotland) A brazen lie.
yanker n. Someone who pranks someone, who yanks chains, such as with crank calls.
YARNEDyarned v. Simple past tense and past participle of yarn.
YARN v. to tell a long story.
YARNERyarner n. One who tells yarns or stories.
yarner n. (Rare) A yarn spinner.
YARNER n. one who tells stories.
YAWNERyawner n. A person who yawns.
yawner n. (Entertainment, sports, informal) Something unexciting or boring, as a book, sporting event, or performance.
YAWNER n. one who yawns.
YEARNSyearns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yearn.
YEARN v. to long for.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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