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There are 15 six-letter words containing A, E, M, R and U

AMUSERamuser n. Someone who amuses.
amuser n. (Obsolete) One who diverts attention, usually to distract or bewilder, often for fraudulent purposes;…
amuser n. (Historical, early 19th century) One of a class of rogues who carry snuff or dust in their pockets…
ARMUREarmure n. A fabric woven with a raised pattern similar to chain mail.
ARMURE n. (French) a type of fabric with a pebbled surface.
KUMERAkumera n. (New Zealand) sweet potato.
KUMERA n. (Maori) the sweet potato, also KUMARA.
MANUREmanure v. To cultivate by manual labor; to till; hence, to develop by culture.
manure v. To apply manure (as fertilizer or soil improver).
manure n. Animal excrement, especially that of common domestic farm animals and when used as fertilizer. Generally…
MARQUEmarque n. A license to pass the limits of a jurisdiction, or boundary of a country, for the purpose of making…
marque n. A brand or make of a manufactured product, especially of a motor car (in contradistinction to a model).
marque n. A ship commissioned for making captures.
MATUREmature adj. Fully developed; grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking; ripe.
mature adj. Brought to a state of complete readiness.
mature adj. Profound; careful.
MAUGERmauger prep. Alternative spelling of maugre.
Mauger prop.n. A surname.
MAUGER prep. (archaic) in spite of, also MALGRADO, MALGRE, MAUGRE, MAULGRE.
MAUGREmaugre prep. (Obsolete) Notwithstanding; in spite of.
maugre adv. (Obsolete) Notwithstanding, despite everything.
maugre n. (Obsolete) Ill will; spite.
MAULERmauler n. One who mauls.
MAULER n. one that mauls.
MAUVERmauver adj. Comparative form of mauve: more mauve.
MAUVE adj. coloured mauve.
MURAGEmurage n. A tax paid for building or repairing the walls of a fortified town.
MURAGE n. (historical) a rate levied for the upkeep of a city's walls.
MURENAMURENA n. (Latin) a genus of large eels of the family Muraenidae, also MURAENA.
REMUDAremuda n. (North America) A herd of horses from which the horses to be used for a particular purpose are selected.
REMUDA n. (Spanish) a herd of horses from which ranch hands select their mounts.
UMBRAEumbrae n. Plural of umbra.
UMBRA n. (Latin) a shadow.
UREMIAuremia n. (Pathology) Blood poisoning resulting from the retention of waste products usually excreted as urine.
UREMIA n. the retention of waste materials normally excreted, also URAEMIA, URINEMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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