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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, E, 2M and R

BAMMERbammer n. (Slang) The lowest-quality marijuana available.
BAMMER n. a fool.
DAMMERdammer n. One who builds a dam.
dammer n. Alternative form of damar.
DAMMER n. (Malay) a hard resin used in making varnish, also DAMAR, DAMMAR.
GAMMERgammer n. (Obsolete) An old woman.
GAMMER n. an old woman.
GRAMMEgramme n. (UK) gram (unit of mass).
-gramme suff. Alternative form of -gram.
GRAMME n. a unit of mass in the metric system, also GRAM.
HAMMERhammer n. A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding.
hammer n. The act of using a hammer to hit something.
hammer n. A moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gun.
JAMMERjammer n. Any device used to jam radio reception.
jammer n. A form of swimwear used by athletes.
jammer n. A musician who jams.
LAMMERlammer n. (Gambling) A small plastic disk used by a croupier or dealer to track the state of a game of chance…
lammer n. (Poker) A voucher, issued to a tournament winner, that waives the entry fee or buy-in for a larger tournament.
lammer n. (Slang) A laminator.
MAIMERmaimer n. Agent noun of maim; one who maims.
MAIMER n. one who maims.
MAMMERmammer v. (Rare) To hesitate.
mammer v. (Rare) To mumble or stammer from doubt or hesitation.
MAMMER v. (Shakespeare) to hesitate, stand muttering.
MAMZERmamzer n. (Judaism) A child born to Jewish parents whose relationship is incestuous or otherwise forbidden by…
mamzer n. A child who is born from an incestuous or adulterous relationship; a bastard.
mamzer n. A contemptible person; a jerk.
MARMEMMARMEM adj. as in marmem alloy, an alloy which, under the influence of temperature changes, can be changed from one condition to another and back again.
MERMANmerman n. A legendary creature, human male from the waist up, fishlike from the waist down.
MERMAN n. a fabulous creature with a man's body and a fish's tail.
RAMMEDrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ram.
rammed adj. (Colloquial) Filled to capacity with people.
RAM v. to thrust roughly with force.
RAMMELrammel n. (Obsolete) Refuse matter.
rammel v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To turn to rubbish.
RAMMEL n. (dialect) discarded matter, waste.
RAMMERrammer n. A device used to ram; a ramrod.
rammer n. One who, or that, rams.
RAMMER n. a tool for ramming e.g. pavements.
RAMMLERAMMLE n. (English dialect) things saved in case they might prove useful.
YAMMERyammer v. (Intransitive) To complain peevishly.
yammer v. (Intransitive) To talk loudly and persistently.
yammer v. (Transitive) To repeat on and on, usually loudly or in complaint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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