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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, E, 2L and S

ALLEESallees n. Plural of allee.
allées n. Plural of allée.
ALLEE n. (French) an avenue, walk or garden path.
ALLELSallels n. Plural of allel.
ALLEL n. (short for) allelomorph, any one of the two or more possible forms of a gene, also ALLELE, ALLELOMORPH.
ALLEYSalleys n. Plural of alley.
Alleys prop.n. Plural of Alley.
ALLEY n. a narrow passageway, also ALLEYWAY.
ALLIESallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ally.
allies n. Plural of ally.
Allies prop.n. The countries allied against the Axis Powers during World War II. The major signatories included the…
DALLESdalles n. (Plural only) The rapids in a deep, narrow stream confined between the rock walls of a canyon or gorge.
dalles n. (Plural only) A steep-sided part of a stream channel, near the dalles proper, marked by clefts, ravines, or gorges.
DALLE n. (French) a slab or tile, often decorative.
FELLASfellas n. Plural of fella.
FELLA n. (colloquial) fellow.
LABELSlabels n. Plural of label.
labels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of label.
LABEL v. to attach a tag to.
LADLESladles n. Plural of ladle.
ladles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ladle.
LADLE v. to serve with a large type of spoon.
LAPELSlapels n. Plural of lapel.
LAPEL n. an extension of the collar of a garment, also LAPPEL.
LEGALSlegals n. Plural of legal.
LEGAL n. an authorised investment that may be made on behalf of savers e.g. by a bank.
LESULAlesula n. A monkey (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) found in parts of the Congo.
LESULA n. a genus of Congolese monkey.
SALLEEsallee n. (Australia) Any of various wattles (trees).
sallee n. (Australia, used in combination) Any of various eucalypts.
Sallee prop.n. A surname.
SALLESsalles n. Plural of salle.
Salles prop.n. A surname.
SALLE n. (French) a hall.
SALLETsallet n. (Historical) A type of light spherical helmet.
sallet n. Archaic form of salad.
SALLET n. in medieval armour, a light helmet extending over the back of the neck, also SALADE, SALET.
SELLAESELLA n. (Latin) an area in the sphenoid bone.
SELLASSELLA n. (Latin) an area in the sphenoid bone.
SPALLESPALLE n. (Spenser) the shoulder, esp. of an animal used as food, also SPALD, SPAUL, SPAULD, SPEAL, SPULE.
STELLAstella n. (Botany) A star-shaped structure.
stella n. (US, numismatics) Alternative letter-case form of Stella.
Stella prop.n. A female given name from Latin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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