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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, E, K, R and T

ARKITEArkite adj. Belonging to Noah’s Ark.
Arkite n. One of the descendants of Canaan, according to Genesis 10:17 and 1 Chronicles 1:15, and also inhabitants…
ARKITE n. an inmate of Noah's ark.
KARATEkarate n. An Okinawan martial art involving primarily punching and kicking, but additionally, advanced throws…
karate v. (Transitive, informal) To attack (somebody or something) with karate or similar techniques.
KARATE n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self-defense.
KARITEkarite n. The shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa).
KARITE n. an African tree, aka the shea-tree.
KARTERkarter n. One who takes part in the sport of karting.
Karter prop.n. A male or female given name.
KARTER n. one who drives go-carts.
KOTAREkotare n. (New Zealand) The kingfisher Halcyon sancta.
KOTARE n. (Maori) a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand.
KRATERkrater n. (Historical) An ancient Greek vessel for mixing water and wine.
KRATER n. (Greek) a large two-handled bowl for mixing wine.
MARKETmarket n. A gathering of people for the purchase and sale of merchandise at a set time, often periodic.
market n. City square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise.
market n. A grocery store.
RACKETracket n. (Countable, sports) An implement with a handle connected to a round frame strung with wire, sinew, or…
racket n. (Canada) A snowshoe formed of cords stretched across a long and narrow frame of light wood.
racket n. A broad wooden shoe or patten for a man or horse, to allow walking on marshy or soft ground.
RETACKretack v. To tack again.
RETACK v. to tack again.
RETAKEretake v. To take something again.
retake v. To take something back.
retake v. To capture or occupy somewhere again.
SKATERskater n. A person who skates.
skater n. A member of skateboarding subculture, characterized by dingy and baggy clothes, and often wallet chains.
skater n. (Ice hockey) A player who is not a goaltender.
STAKERstaker n. One who stakes something.
staker n. (Cryptocurrencies) One who participates in proof of stake.
Staker prop.n. A surname.
STRAKEstrake n. (Obsolete) An iron fitting of a medieval cart wheel.
strake n. (Aviation) A type of aerodynamic surface mounted on an aircraft fuselage to fine-tune the airflow.
strake n. (Nautical) A continuous line of plates or planks running from bow to stern that contributes to a vessel’s…
STREAKstreak n. An irregular line left from smearing or motion.
streak n. A continuous series of like events.
streak n. The color of the powder of a mineral. So called, because a simple field test for a mineral is to streak…
TACKERtacker n. A person who, or device that tacks.
tacker n. (Australia, colloquial) A young child, especially a boy.
TACKER n. (Australian slang) a young child.
TAKERStakers n. Plural of taker.
TAKER n. one who takes.
TAKIERTAKY adj. (obsolete) attractive.
TALKERtalker n. A person who talks, especially one who gives a speech, or is loquacious or garrulous.
talker n. Any creature or machine that talks.
talker n. (Informal, media) A talk show.
TANKERtanker n. (Nautical) A tank ship, a vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid.
tanker n. (Automotive, US) A tank truck.
tanker n. (Automotive, UK) A fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker.
TASKERtasker n. One who imposes a task.
tasker n. One who performs a task, such as a day-labourer.
tasker n. (Scotland, historical) A labourer who receives wages in kind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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