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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing A, E, H, L and M

ALMEHSalmehs n. Plural of almeh.
ALMEH n. (Arabic) an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally, also ALMA, ALMAH, ALME.
HAEMALhaemal adj. (British spelling) Pertaining to the blood or blood vessels.
haemal adj. (Anatomy) Ventral rather than neural.
hæmal adj. Alternative spelling of haemal.
HAMBLEhamble v. (Obsolete, transitive) To mutilate; hamstring; cut away.
hamble v. (Transitive) To cut out the balls of the feet of (dogs) so as to render them unfit for hunting.
hamble v. (Intransitive) To walk lame; limp.
HAMLEThamlet n. A small village or a group of houses.
hamlet n. (Britain) A village that does not have its own church.
hamlet n. Any of the fish of the genus Hypoplectrus in the family Serranidae.
HARMELharmel n. Dated form of harmal.
HARMEL n. an African bean plant, also HARMALA.
HIEMALhiemal adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to winter, wintry.
HIEMAL adj. pertaining to winter.
LAMEDHlamedh n. Alternative spelling of lamed.
LAMEDH n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also LAMED.
LEHAIMLEHAIM n. (Hebrew) a traditional Jewish toast, also LECHAYIM, LEHAYIM, LECHAIM.
PELHAMpelham n. A type of bit used on the bridle of a horse, consisting of a mouthpiece, a shank, and two rings on each side.
Pelham prop.n. A suburb of Birmingham, West Midlands, England (OS grid ref SP108368).
Pelham prop.n. A city in Shelby County, Alabama, United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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