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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, E, G, O and R

AERUGOaerugo n. Metallic rust, particularly of brass or copper; verdigris.
ærugo n. Archaic form of aerugo.
AERUGO n. (Latin) a green film that forms on copper, also ERUGO.
AGORAEagorae n. Plural of agora.
AGORA n. a marketplace in ancient Greece.
BORAGEborage n. Borago officinalis, a Mediterranean plant with rough, cucumber-flavored leaves and stems, used in salads and cooked.
BORAGE n. a rough-stemmed aromatic herb used in salads.
DOGEARdogear n. Alternative form of dog-ear.
dogear v. Alternative form of dog-ear.
dog-ear n. The folded corner of the page of a book or other publication, either due to having been read many times…
FORAGEforage n. Fodder for animals, especially cattle and horses.
forage n. An act or instance of foraging.
forage n. (Obsolete) The demand for fodder etc by an army from the local population.
GALOREgalore adj. (Postpositive) In abundance.
galore n. (Archaic) An abundance; plenty.
GALORE n. (Irish) an abundance.
GAOLERgaoler n. (Commonwealth, dated) Alternative spelling of jailer.
GAOLER n. one who keeps a gaol, also JAILER, JAILOR.
GAROTEgarote n. Alternative spelling of garrote.
garote v. Alternative spelling of garrote.
GAROTE v. to execute by strangling, also GARROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE.
GHERAOgherao n. (India) A protest in which a group of people surrounds a politician, building, etc. until demands are met.
gherao v. (India, transitive) To surround for this purpose.
GHERAO n. (Hindi) in India, the surrounding or trapping of a person, e.g. an employer in a room or building, till demands are met.
OARAGEoarage n. (Archaic) The act of using oars; rowing.
oarage n. (Archaic, poetic) A sweeping motion that resembles rowing.
oarage n. Equipment used for rowing.
ONAGERonager n. The Asiatic wild ass or hemione (Equus hemionus), an animal of the horse family native to Asia; specifically…
onager n. (Military, historical) A military engine acting like a sling which threw stones from a bag or wooden…
ONAGER n. a wild ass of Asia.
ORANGEorange n. (Countable) An evergreen tree of the genus Citrus such as Citrus sinensis.
orange n. (Countable) The fruit of the orange tree; a citrus fruit with a slightly sour flavour.
orange n. The colour of a ripe fruit of an orange tree, midway between red and yellow.
ORGEATorgeat n. A sweet syrup made from sugar and almonds (or originally barley) and rose water or orange flower water.
ORGEAT n. (French) a syrup or drink made from almonds, sugar etc., formerly from barley.
ROMAGEromage n. Obsolete spelling of rummage.
romage v. Obsolete spelling of rummage.
ROMAGE n. (Shakespeare) tumult.
SORAGESORAGE n. a hawk in its first year.
TOERAGtoerag n. A rag worn around the foot in place of a sock.
toerag n. A tramp or vagrant.
toerag n. A worthless or despicable person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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