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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, E, G, L and M

AGLEAMagleam adj. Glowing with subdued light.
AGLEAM adj. gleaming.
GAMBLEgamble n. A bet or wager.
gamble n. A significant risk, undertaken with a potential gain.
gamble n. A risky venture.
GAMELYgamely adj. Sportive; lively; joyful.
gamely adj. (Hunting, fishing, etc.) Of or pertaining to game.
gamely adv. In a game or plucky manner; in a willing and spirited fashion.
GLEAMSgleams n. Plural of gleam.
gleams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gleam.
GLEAM v. to shine with a soft radiance.
GLEAMYgleamy adj. Shiny, bright, glowing.
GLEAMY adj. gleaming.
LEGMANlegman n. (Originally US) A person hired to carry out errands or (often) menial tasks, frequently requiring travel…
legman n. (Originally US, journalism) A reporter who frequently travels to conduct research, interview witnesses…
Legman prop.n. A surname.
MAGLEVmaglev adj. (Rail transport) Describing a train, system, etc, that operates by magnetic levitation.
maglev n. (Rail transport) sort of train supported by magnetic levitation.
MAGLEV n. (short for) a magnetically levitating train.
MALGREmalgre prep. Alternative spelling of maugre.
MALGRE v. (archaic) to show spite towards, also MALGRADO, MAUGER, MAUGRE, MAULGRE.
MANGELmangel n. The sugar beet, which can be refined to equal cane sugar in all manners save for botanical origin.
mangel n. A mangelwurzel, a plant of the beet family raised as cattle feed.
Mangel prop.n. A surname from German.
MANGLEmangle v. (Transitive) To change, mutilate, or disfigure by cutting, tearing, rearranging, etc.
mangle v. (Transitive, computing) To modify (an identifier from source code) so as to produce a unique identifier…
mangle n. A hand-operated device with rollers, for wringing laundry.
MILAGEmilage n. Alternative spelling of mileage.
MILAGE n. the total distance expressed in miles, also MILEAGE.
MYGALEmygale n. (Obsolete) A shrew or ferret.
mygale n. Any of the former genus Mygale of large, hairy trapdoor spiders with four lungs and four spinnerets…
MYGALE n. (Greek) an American bird-catching spider.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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