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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, E, 2F and R

AFFEARaffear v. (Archaic) To frighten, to scare; to terrify.
AFFEAR v. (Spenser) to frighten, also AFEAR, AFFEARE.
AFFEERaffeer v. (Transitive, obsolete, law) To assess or reduce an arbitrary penalty or amercement to a precise sum;…
affeer v. (Transitive, obsolete) To confirm; to assure.
AFFEER v. (archaic) to assess; to reduce to a certain fixed sum.
AFFRETaffret n. (Obsolete) An attack.
AFFRET n. (Spenser) a furious onset.
EFFRAYeffray v. (Obsolete) To frighten, startle.
EFFRAY n. (obsolete) fright.
FARFELfarfel n. Small pellet-shaped egg pasta in Ashkenazic Jewish cuisine, made instead out of matzah during Passover.
FARFEL n. (Yiddish) noodles in the form of small pellets or granules, also FARFAL.
FARFETfarfet adj. (Obsolete) far-fetched.
FARFET adj. far fetched.
GAFFERgaffer n. (Film) A chief lighting technician for a motion-picture or television production.
gaffer n. A glassblower.
gaffer n. (Colloquial) An old man.
NAFFERnaffer adj. Comparative form of naff: more naff.
NAFF adj. inferior, tacky.
RAFFLEraffle n. A drawing, often held as a fundraiser, in which tickets or chances are sold to win a prize.
raffle n. (Obsolete) A game of dice in which the player who throws three of the same number wins all the stakes.
raffle v. (Transitive) To award something by means of a raffle or random drawing, often used with off.
ZAFFERzaffer n. Alternative form of zaffre.
ZAFFER n. (Italian) an impure oxide of cobalt, also ZAFFAR, ZAFFIR, ZAFFRE.
ZAFFREzaffre n. A blue pigment obtained by roasting cobalt ore.
zaffre n. A cobalt blue colour, like that of the pigment.
ZAFFRE n. (Italian) an impure oxide of cobalt, also ZAFFAR, ZAFFER, ZAFFIR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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