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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, 2E, R and V

ARVEESARVEE n. (short for) recreational vehicle (RV).
AVERSEaverse adj. Having a repugnance or opposition of mind.
averse adj. Turned away or backward.
averse adj. (Obsolete) Lying on the opposite side (to or from).
BEAVERbeaver n. (Countable) A semiaquatic rodent of the genus Castor, having a wide, flat tail and webbed feet.
beaver n. The fur of the beaver.
beaver n. (Countable) A hat, of various shapes, made from a felted beaver fur (or later of silk), fashionable…
EVADERevader n. A person who evades something.
evader n. (Historical) During the Second World War, an Allied pilot shot down over enemy territory who then escaped…
EVADER n. one that evades.
EVEJARevejar n. Synonym of nightjar.
EVEJAR n. (dialect) the nightjar.
GREAVEgreave n. (Obsolete) A bush; a tree; a grove.
greave n. (Obsolete) A bough; a branch.
greave n. (Obsolete) A ditch or trench.
HEAVERheaver n. One who, or that which, heaves or lifts; a laborer employed on docks in handling freight.
heaver n. A bar used as a lever.
HEAVER n. one who heaves.
LAVEERlaveer v. (Nautical, obsolete) To beat against the wind; to tack.
LAVEER v. (archaic) to sail against the wind.
LEAVERleaver n. One who leaves.
leaver n. (UK politics) Alternative letter-case form of Leaver.
Leaver prop.n. A surname.
PAREVEpareve adj. (Jewish law) Of food: that has no meat or milk in any form as an ingredient.
pareve adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Neutral, bland, inoffensive.
PAREVE adj. (Yiddish) of food, containing neither dairy nor meat ingredients; (slang) wishy-washy, also PAREV, PARVE.
REAVEDreaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of reave.
REAVE v. (archaic) to rob, plunder, also REIVE, RIEVE.
REAVERreaver n. One who reaves, a border raider or cattle thief.
REAVER n. one that reaves, also RIEVER.
REAVESreaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reave.
Reaves prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
REAVE v. (archaic) to rob, plunder, also REIVE, RIEVE.
REGAVEregave v. Simple past tense of regive.
REGIVE v. to give again.
REPAVErepave v. To pave over again.
REPAVE v. to pave again.
REVEALreveal n. The outer side of a window or door frame.
reveal n. (Cinematography, narratology, comedy, usually informal) A revelation; an uncovering of what was hidden…
reveal v. (Transitive) To uncover; to show and display that which was hidden.
VEALERvealer n. A calf intended for use as veal.
VEALER n. a calf raised for food.
WEAVERweaver n. One who weaves.
weaver n. A strand of material used in weaving.
weaver n. A weaverbird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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