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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, D, M, N and O

ALMONDalmond n. (Countable) A type of tree nut.
almond n. (Countable) A small deciduous tree in family Rosaceae, Prunus amygdalus, that produces predominantly sweet almonds.
almond n. Other plants that produce almond-like nuts…
DAEMONdaemon n. An idea depicted as an entity.
daemon n. (Uncommon) Alternative form of demon.
daemon n. (Computing, Unix) A process (a running program) that does not have a controlling terminal.
DAIMONdaimon n. Synonym of demon, particularly as.
DAIMON n. (Greek) an inward spirit; personality; genius, also DAEMON.
DAMSONdamson n. A subspecies of plum tree, Prunus domestica subsp. insititia, native to Eurasia.
damson n. The edible fruit of this tree.
damson adj. The color of the fruit of this tree, a very deep purple.
DODMANdodman n. A land-based snail.
dodman n. A snail’s shell.
dodman n. Any shellfish which casts its shell, such as a lobster.
DOGMANdogman n. A man who has charge of dogs, such as a dog breeder or dog trainer; specifically, a man who trains dogs…
dogman n. Alternative form of dog man (“a man who likes dogs or prefers dogs as pets, often as opposed to liking cats”).
dogman n. (Cryptozoology, mythology) An alleged cryptid or mythological creature that is part dog and part man;…
DOLMANdolman n. A long, loose garment with narrow sleeves and an opening in the front, generally worn by Turks.
dolman n. A short, close-fitting, heavily braided military jacket, usually worn under a pelisse, originally by hussars.
dolman n. A woman’s garment with wide capelike sleeves.
DOMAINdomain n. A geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization.
domain n. A field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise.
domain n. A group of related items, topics, or subjects.
DYNAMOdynamo n. (Physics) An electricity generator; a dynamo-electric machine.
dynamo n. (Astrophysics) The mechanism by which a celestial body, such as the Earth or a star, generates a magnetic field.
dynamo n. (Figuratively) An energetic person.
FANDOMfandom n. The fans of a sport, activity, work, person etc., taken as a group.
fandom n. The subculture of fans.
fandom n. The state, quality, or condition of being a fan.
HODMANhodman n. A bricklayer’s or mason’s laborer who carries bricks, mortar, cement and the like in a hod.
HODMAN n. a bricklayer's labourer.
MANDOMmandom n. (Dated) mankind.
MANDOM n. man collectively.
MOANEDmoaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of moan.
MOAN v. to utter a low, mournful sound, also MEANE, MEIN, MENE.
MODENAmodena n. A crimson colour.
Modena prop.n. A province of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
Modena prop.n. The capital city of Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
MONADSmonads n. Plural of monad.
MONAD n. the number one; a unit; a single-celled organism, also MONAS.
NOMADEnomade n. Archaic form of nomad.
NOMADE n. a member of a wandering pastoral community, also NOMAD.
NOMADSnomads n. Plural of nomad.
NOMAD n. a member of a wandering pastoral community, also NOMADE.
NOMADYnomady n. (Archaic, countable) A nomad.
nomady n. (Archaic, uncountable) The state of being a nomad.
NOMADY n. the life of a nomad.
RANDOMrandom n. A roving motion; course without definite direction; lack of rule or method; chance.
random n. (Obsolete) Speed, full speed; impetuosity, force.
random n. (Obsolete) The full range of a bullet or other projectile; hence, the angle at which a weapon is tilted…
RODMANrodman n. The person who holds the surveying rod for a surveyor.
Rodman prop.n. A surname.
Rodman n. A Rodman gun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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