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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, D, I, N and O

ADJOINadjoin v. (Transitive) To be in contact or connection with.
adjoin v. (Transitive, mathematics, chiefly algebra and number theory) To extend an algebraic object (E.g. a field…
ADJOIN v. to lie next to.
ADONISAdonis prop.n. (Greek mythology) A beautiful young man loved by Aphrodite.
Adonis prop.n. (Rare) A male given name from Ancient Greek.
Adonis prop.n. A surname.
ANODICanodic adj. Relating to an anode.
ANODIC adj. of or like an anode.
DAIKONdaikon n. An East Asian cultivar or subspecies of radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus, syn. Raphanus…
daikon n. Closely-related cultivars such as the enormous turnip-shaped Sakurajima or green-and-red watermelon radish.
DAIKON n. (Japanese) a long white root vegetable similar to a radish.
DAIMONdaimon n. Synonym of demon, particularly as.
DAIMON n. (Greek) an inward spirit; personality; genius, also DAEMON.
DANIOSdanios n. Plural of danio.
DANIO n. a brightly coloured tropical freshwater fish.
DIAXONdiaxon n. A diaxonal spicule of a sponge.
DIAXON n. a bipolar nerve-cell.
DIOXANDIOXAN n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXANE.
DOLINAdolina n. (Geology) Alternative form of doline.
DOLINA n. (Russian) a swallow-hole, also DOLINE.
DOMAINdomain n. A geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization.
domain n. A field or sphere of activity, influence or expertise.
domain n. A group of related items, topics, or subjects.
DONAIRdonair n. (Canada) A Nova Scotian variant of the doner kebab, including breadcrumbs and spices, and served with…
DONAIR n. (Canadian) sliced lamb rolled in pita bread.
GANOIDganoid adj. Having a smooth, shining surface, as if polished or enameled: specifically applied to those scales or…
ganoid adj. Having ganoid scales or plates, as a fish; specifically, of or pertaining to the Ganoidei.
ganoid n. (Zoology) One of the Ganoidei, a disused taxonomic grouping of fishes, including the bowfin, gars, and sturgeons.
INROADinroad n. (Military, also figuratively) An advance into enemy territory, an attempted invasion; an encroachment, an incursion.
inroad n. (Figuratively, usually in the plural) Often followed by in, into, or on: initial progress made toward…
inroad v. (Intransitive, archaic) To make advances or incursions.
LADINOladino n. Alternative letter-case form of Ladino (“mestizo”).
ladino n. (US, Southeastern US, countable) A cunningly vicious, wild or unmanagable horse.
ladino n. Trifolium repens (white clover).
ORDAINordain v. To prearrange unalterably.
ordain v. To decree.
ordain v. (Religion) To admit into the ministry, for example as a priest, bishop, minister or Buddhist monk, or…
SODAINSODAIN adj. (obsolete) sudden, also SODAINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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