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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, D, I, L and R

ALDRINaldrin n. An insecticide and persistent organic pollutant containing a naphthalene-derived compound.
Aldrin prop.n. A surname.
ALDRIN n. a chlorinated hydrocarbon, used as a contact insecticide.
ARIDLYaridly adv. In an arid manner.
ARID adv. very dry.
ARILEDariled adj. Alternative form of arilled (“having an aril”).
ARILED adj. having an aril, also ARILLATE, ARILLARY.
BRIDALbridal n. (Archaic) A wedding feast or festival; a wedding.
bridal adj. Of or pertaining to a bride, or to wedding; nuptial.
BRIDAL adj. related to brides.
DERAILderail n. Synonym of derailer: A device placed on railway tracks in order to cause a train to derail.
derail n. An instance of diverting a conversation or debate from its original topic.
derail v. (Transitive) To cause to come off the tracks.
DIALERdialer n. A person or device that dials, as using a telephone.
DIALER n. one that dials, also DIALLER.
DRAILSdrails n. Plural of drail.
drails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drail.
DRAIL v. to dirty by dragging.
IRIDALiridal adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a rainbow.
iridal adj. (Chiefly medicine) Pertaining to the iris of the eye.
IRIDAL adj. pertaining to the iris of the eye, also IRIDIAL, IRIDIAN.
LABRIDlabrid n. (Zoology) Any of the family Labridae of marine fishes.
LABRID n. a member of the wrasse genus of fishes, also LABROID.
LAIRDSlairds n. Plural of laird.
lairds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laird.
LAIRD n. (Scots) the owner of a landed estate.
LAIREDlaired adj. Having a lair.
laired v. Simple past tense and past participle of lair; mired.
LAIR v. to go to a lair.
LAROIDlaroid adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or having characteristics of the gull family, Laridae.
LAROID adj. of or pertaining to the gull family, also LARINE.
LIARDSliards n. Plural of liard.
LIARD n. an old French coin of low value.
LIDARSlidars n. Plural of lidar.
LIDARs n. Plural of LIDAR.
LIDAR n. a system of using lasers in the same way as radar.
LIZARDlizard n. Any reptile of the order Squamata that is not a snake or an amphisbaenian, usually having four legs…
lizard n. (Chiefly in attributive use) Lizard skin, the skin of these reptiles.
lizard n. (Colloquial) An unctuous person.
RADIALradial adj. Arranged like rays that radiate from, or converge to a common centre.
radial adj. Moving along a radius.
radial adj. (Anatomy) Of, or relating to the radius bone.
RAILEDrailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rail.
railed adj. Furnished with a rail or railing.
RAILE v. (Spenser) to flow, gush.
REDIALredial v. To dial again.
redial adj. Of or concerning a redia.
REDIAL v. to dial again.
RELAIDrelaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of relay (“lay again”).
re-laid v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-lay.
RELAY v. to put down new flooring.
RIBALDribald adj. Coarsely, vulgarly, or lewdly amusing; referring to sexual matters in a rude or irreverent way.
ribald n. An individual who is filthy or vulgar in nature.
RIBALD adj. earthily sexy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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