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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, C, R, S and U

ACARUSacarus n. (Zoology, acarology) Any member of the subclass Acari (aka Acarina): thus, a mite or a tick; specifically…
Acarus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Acaridae – many species of small mites.
ACARUS n. (Latin) a mite, a kind of small arachnid.
CARPUScarpus n. (Anatomy) The group of bones that make up the wrist.
CARPUS n. (Latin) the part of the human skeleton between the forearm and the metacarpus.
CAURIScauris n. Plural of cauri.
CAURI n. a former monetary unit of Guiana.
CAUSERcauser n. Someone or something that causes or produces an effect.
Causer prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
CAUSER n. one who causes.
CESURAcesura n. Alternative spelling of caesura.
CESURA n. (Latin) a pause in a line of verse, also CAESURA.
CRUSTAcrusta n. A crust or shell.
crusta n. A gem engraved, or a plate embossed in low relief, for inlaying a vase or other object.
crusta n. A cocktail (typically of brandy, orange liqueur, bitters, and lemon juice and peel) distinguished by…
CURATScurats n. Plural of curat.
CURAT n. (obsolete) a cuirass, also CURIET.
CURIAScurias n. Plural of curia.
CURIA n. (Latin) a court of justice.
CURSALCURSAL adj. relating to a cursus, an elongated prehistoric earthwork.
SACRUMsacrum n. (Anatomy) A large triangular bone at the base of the spine, located between the two ilia (wings of the…
SACRUM n. (Latin) a bone of the pelvis.
SAUCERsaucer n. A small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips.
saucer n. An object round and gently curved, shaped like a saucer.
saucer n. A circular sled without runners.
SCAURSscaurs n. Plural of scaur.
SCAUR v. (Scots) to scare, also SCARRE.
SCAURYscaury n. (Shetland) A young gull.
SCAURY n. (Old Norse) in the Orkneys, a young gull, also SCOURIE, SCOWRIE.
SOUCARsoucar n. (India, obsolete) A money dealer.
SOUCAR n. (Hindi) a Hindu banker, also SOWCAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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