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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, C, N, R and T

CANTARcantar n. Alternative spelling of kantar.
CANTAR n. (Arabic) a Turkish unit of weight equal to approximately 100 pounds, also KANTAR.
CANTERcanter n. A gait of a horse between a trot and a gallop, consisting of three beats and a "suspension" phase, where…
canter n. A ride on a horse at such speed.
canter v. (Intransitive) To move at such pace.
CANTORcantor n. Singer, especially someone who takes a special role of singing or song leading at a ceremony.
cantor n. A prayer leader in a Jewish service; a hazzan.
Cantor prop.n. A surname.
CARNETcarnet n. A ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single tickets.
carnet n. (Law) A customs document that allows the temporary duty-free importation of a particular article.
carnet n. An admission pass.
CARTONcarton n. An inexpensive, disposable box-like container fashioned from either paper, paper with wax-covering (wax…
carton n. A pack of cigarettes, usually ten, wrapped in cellophane or packed in a light cardboard box.
carton n. (Australia) A cardboard box that holds (usually 24) beer bottles or cans.
CENTRAcentra n. Plural of centrum.
CENTRUM n. (Latin) the body of a vertebra.
CONTRAcontra prep. Against; contrary or opposed to; in opposition or contrast to.
contra adv. Contrary to something.
contra n. (Business) A deal to swap goods or services.
CRANTScrants n. (Obsolete) A garland carried before the bier of a maiden and subsequently hung over the grave.
CRANTS n. (Shakespeare) the garland carried before the bier of a maiden and hung over her grave.
CRATONcraton n. A part of the Earth’s crust that has survived the splitting and merging of continents.
CRATON n. (Greek) a large, relatively stable section of earth's crust, forming the basis of a continent or ocean.
CREANTcreant adj. Creative; formative.
CREANT adj. (Latin) creating, formative.
CRIANTCRIANT adj. (French) garish.
NECTARnectar n. (Chiefly mythology) The drink of the gods.
nectar n. (By extension) Any delicious drink, now especially a type of sweetened fruit juice.
nectar n. (Botany) The sweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds.
RECANTrecant v. (Transitive, intransitive) To withdraw or repudiate a statement or opinion formerly expressed, especially…
recant v. To give a new cant (slant, angle) to something, in particular railway track on a curve.
RECANT v. to make a formal retraction.
TANRECtanrec n. Alternative form of tenrec.
TANREC n. (Malagasy) a small insectivore, native to Madagascar, also TENREC.
TRANCEtrance n. (Countable) A dazed or unconscious condition.
trance n. (Countable) A state of awareness, concentration, or focus that filters experience and information (for…
trance n. (Countable, psychology) A state of low response to stimulus and diminished, narrow attention; particularly…
UNCARTuncart v. (Transitive) To remove or unload from a cart.
UNCART v. to take off a cart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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