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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing A, C, L, O and U

CAGOULcagoul n. Alternative form of cagoule.
CAGOUL n. (French) a light anorak, also CAGOULE, KAGOOL, KAGOUL, KAGOULE.
COPULAcopula n. (Linguistics, grammar) A word, usually a verb, used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate…
copula n. (Statistics) A function that represents the association between two or more variables, independent of…
copula n. (Music) A device that connects two or more keyboards of an organ.
COUCALcoucal n. Any bird of the genus Centropus in the cuckoo family Cuculidae.
COUCAL n. (French) a large, Old World, ground cuckoo of the genus Centropus, of several species.
CUPOLAcupola n. (Architecture) A dome-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome.
cupola n. (Military, railroad) A small turret, usually on a hatch of an armoured fighting vehicle.
cupola n. (Geology) An upward-projecting mass of plutonic rock extending from a larger batholith.
OCULARocular adj. Of, or relating to the eye, or the sense of sight.
ocular adj. Resembling the eye.
ocular adj. Seen by, or seeing with, the eye; visual.
OSCULAoscula n. Plural of osculum.
OSCULUM n. (Latin) a small mouthlike opening e.g. in a sponge, also OSCULE.
RUCOLArucola n. Rocket, arugula (plant Eruca sativa).
RUCOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, ARUGULA, RUGOLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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