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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, C, L, O and R

CALORYcalory n. Dated spelling of calorie.
CALORY n. the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree Centigrade in temperature, also CALORIE.
CARLOTcarlot n. (US) car park.
carlot n. (Obsolete) A churl; a boor; a peasant or countryman.
car␣lot n. The land occupied by a car dealership.
CAROLICAROLUS n. (Latin) a former English gold coin, first struck in the reign of Charles I.
CAROLScarols n. Plural of carol.
carols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carol.
CAROL v. to sing joyously.
CHORALchoral adj. Of, relating to, written for, or performed by a choir or a chorus.
choral n. Alternative form of chorale.
CHORAL adj. relating to a choir.
CLAMORclamor n. A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation.
clamor n. Any loud and continued noise.
clamor n. A continued public expression, often of dissatisfaction or discontent; a popular outcry.
CLAROSclaros n. Plural of claro.
Claros prop.n. Plural of Claro.
CLARO n. (Spanish) a light-coloured, mild cigar.
COALERcoaler n. A vehicle used for carrying or supplying coal.
COALER n. a ship that carries coal.
COLLARcollar n. Clothes that encircle the neck.
collar n. A piece of meat from the neck of an animal.
collar n. (Technology) Any encircling device or structure.
CORALScorals n. Plural of coral.
CORAL n. a mass of marine animal skeletons.
CORRALcorral n. An enclosure for livestock, especially a circular one.
corral n. An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group.
corral n. A circle of wagons, either for the purpose of trapping livestock, or for defense.
CROTALCROTAL n. (Gaelic) a type of lichen, also CROTTLE.
LORCHAlorcha n. (Nautical) A kind of light vessel used on the coast of China, having the hull built on a European model…
LORCHA n. (Portuguese) a light vessel of European build, like a Chinese junk.
LORICAlorica n. (Historical) A cuirass, originally of leather, afterward of plates of metal or horn sewed on linen or the like.
lorica n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Lute for protecting vessels from the fire.
lorica n. (Zoology) The protective case or shell of a Loricifera, infusorian or rotifer.
OCULARocular adj. Of, or relating to the eye, or the sense of sight.
ocular adj. Resembling the eye.
ocular adj. Seen by, or seeing with, the eye; visual.
ORACLEoracle n. A shrine dedicated to some prophetic deity.
oracle n. A person such as a priest through whom the deity is supposed to respond with prophecy or advice.
oracle n. A prophetic response, often enigmatic or allegorical, so given.
RECOALrecoal v. (Transitive) To load (a ship) with a fresh supply of coal.
recoal v. (Intransitive) Of a ship: to take on a fresh load of coal.
RECOAL v. to refill with coal.
RUCOLArucola n. Rocket, arugula (plant Eruca sativa).
RUCOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, ARUGULA, RUGOLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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