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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, C, I, S and U

ACINUSacinus n. (Botany) One of the small grains or drupelets which make up some kinds of fruit, as the blackberry, raspberry, etc.
acinus n. (Botany) A grape-stone.
acinus n. (Anatomy) One of the granular masses which constitute a racemose or compound gland, as the pancreas;…
ACQUISacquis n. Short for acquis communautaire.
ACQUIS n. (French) a particular piece or section of European Union legislation.
AMICUSamicus n. (Law, informal) Someone not a party to a case who submits a brief and/or presents oral argument in that case.
AMICUS n. (Latin) a legal expert witness.
AMUSICamusic adj. Relating to or exhibiting amusia.
AMUSIC adj. suffering from amusia, the inability to distinguish differences in musical pitch.
CAULIScaulis n. (Architecture) Each of the main stalks which support the volutes and helices of a Corinthian capital.
caulis n. (Botany) The stalk of a plant, especially a herbaceous stem in its natural state.
caulis n. Plural of cauli.
CAURIScauris n. Plural of cauri.
CAURI n. a former monetary unit of Guiana.
CHIAUSchiaus n. (Historical) An Ottoman Empire court official; an attendant, messenger, herald, interpreter.
chiaus n. (Historical) An Ottoman Empire çavuş (“sergeant”).
chiaus n. Obsolete spelling of chouse (“a swindler”).
CLUSIAclusia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Clusia of flowering plants in the family Clusiaceae.
CLUSIA n. any member of the genus Clusia of evergreen climbing plants.
CURIAScurias n. Plural of curia.
CURIA n. (Latin) a court of justice.
SABICUsabicu n. A West Indian tree Lysiloma sabicu.
sabicu n. The hard dark wood of the sabicu tree, which resembles mahogany in texture.
SABICU n. a Caribbean tree, aka horse-head mahogany.
UMIACSumiacs n. Plural of umiac.
UMIAC n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIACK, UMIAK, UMIAQ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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