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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, C, I, N and P

APNEICapneic adj. (Pathology) Exhibiting or relating to apnea: no longer breathing.
APNEIC adj. relating to apnoea, suspension of breathing, esp. in sleep, also APNEAL, APNOEAL, APNOEIC.
CAPINGcaping v. Present participle of cape.
CAPE v. to keep a course towards a cape.
CAPLINcaplin n. Alternative form of capelin.
caplin n. The cap or coupling of a flail, through which the thongs pass that connect the handle and swingel.
CAPLIN n. (French) a small marine fish of northern oceans, also CAPELIN, CAPELAN.
CATNIPcatnip n. Any of the about 250 species of flowering plant of the genus Nepeta, family Lamiaceae, certain of which…
catnip n. Nepeta cataria and Nepeta grandiflora (and perhaps other species), which are well-known for causing…
catnip n. (Figurative) Something that causes excitement or interest.
PACINGpacing v. Present participle of pace.
pacing n. The act of moving in paces, or their arrangement or timing.
PACING n. the act of setting a pace.
PAINCHpainch n. (Obsolete, dialect) paunch.
PAINCH n. (Scots) the paunch.
PANICKpanick adj. Obsolete form of panic.
panick n. Obsolete form of panic.
panick v. Obsolete form of panic.
PANICSpanics n. Plural of panic.
panics v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of panic.
PANIC v. to experience great terror.
PANISCpanisc n. The god Pan, represented as a satyr.
Panisc n. Alternative form of panisc.
PANISC n. (Greek) an inferior god, attendant upon Pan, also PANISK.
PIANICPIANIC adj. pertaining to the tropical disease pian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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