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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, C, I, L and T

ATELICatelic adj. (Linguistics) Presenting an action or event as being incomplete.
ATELIC adj. of a verb, presenting an action or event as being incomplete.
BALTICbaltic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Baltic (“very cold”).
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to the Baltic region or the Baltic Sea.
Baltic adj. Of or pertaining to any of the Baltic languages.
CATLINcatlin n. Alternative form of catling (surgical knife).
Catlin prop.n. A surname.
CATLIN n. a surgical knife, also CATLING.
CHITALchital n. A large spotted deer, of genus Axis, native to India and Sri Lanka.
CHITAL n. (Hindi) a kind of Indian deer, aka axis deer.
CITALScitals n. Plural of cital.
CITAL n. a summons to appear, as before a judge.
CITOLAcitola n. Cittern.
CITOLA n. a pear-shaped guitar, also CITHER, CITHERN, CITHREN, CITOLE, CITTERN.
CITRALcitral n. Either of a pair of terpenoids, geranial and neral, that have the molecular formula C10H16O and are…
CITRAL n. a lemon flavouring.
COITALcoital adj. Of or relating to the sex act or coitus.
COITAL adj. relating to coitus, also COITIONAL.
ITALICitalic adj. (Typography, of a typeface or font) Designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
italic adj. (Typography, of a typeface or font) Having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.
italic n. (Typography) A typeface in which the letters slant to the right.
LACTIClactic adj. Of, relating to, or derived from milk.
lactic adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to, or producing, lactic acid.
LACTIC adj. derived from milk.
PLACITplacit n. (Obsolete) A decree or determination; a dictum.
PLACIT n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACITUM, PLACET.
RICTALrictal adj. Possessing the qualities of a rictus.
RICTAL adj. relating to the rictus, the expanse or gape of the mouth, or of the beak or jaws of a bird, fish, etc.
TICALSticals n. Plural of tical.
TICAL n. (Portuguese) a former Thai unit of weight.
TINCALtincal n. (Chemistry, dated) crude native borax, formerly imported from Tibet, and once the chief source of boric compounds.
TINCAL n. (Malay) a crude native borax, formerly imported from Tibet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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