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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, C, E, M and R

AMERCEamerce v. (Transitive) To impose a fine on; to fine.
amerce v. (Transitive) To punish; to make an exaction.
AMERCE v. to fine or punish.
AMORCEamorce n. A hint about the future; an instance of foreshadowing.
amorce n. A percussion cap or detonator.
AMORCE n. (French) a percussion cap for a toy pistol.
CALMERcalmer n. A person or thing that calms.
calmer adj. Comparative form of calm: more calm.
CALM adj. free from agitation.
CAMBERcamber n. A slight convexity, arching or curvature of a surface of a road, beam, roof, ship’s deck etc., so that…
camber n. The slope of a curved road created to minimize the effect of centrifugal force.
camber n. (Architecture) An upward concavity in the underside of a beam, girder, or lintel; also, a slight upward…
CAMERAcamera n. A device for taking still or moving pictures or photographs.
camera n. (Computer graphics, video games) The viewpoint in a three-dimensional game or simulation.
camera n. A vaulted room.
CAMPERcamper n. A person who camps, especially in a tent etc.
camper n. A motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in.
camper n. (Video games) A person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item etc.
CAREMECAREME n. (French) lent.
CARMENcarmen n. Plural of carman.
Carmen prop.n. A female given name from Spanish in the nineteenth century.
Carmen prop.n. (Dated, rare) A male given name from Italian.
CEMBRAcembra n. The Swiss pine, Pinus cembra.
CEMBRA n. the Swiss stone-pine.
CRAMBECRAMBE n. (Latin) warmed-over cabbage; the annoying repetition or a tiresome, harped-on old story.
CRAMEScrames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crame.
CRAME n. (Scots) a booth for selling goods.
CREAMScreams n. Plural of cream.
creams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cream.
CREAM v. to select the best from a group.
CREAMYcreamy adj. Containing cream.
creamy adj. Of food or drink, having the rich taste or thick, smooth texture of cream, whether or not it actually contains cream.
creamy adj. Of any liquid, having the thick texture of cream.
MACERSmacers n. Plural of macer.
MACER n. an official who carries a ceremonial staff.
MACHERmacher n. (US, informal) An important person, often in the negative sense of self-important; a bigwig.
MACHER n. (Yiddish) an important person.
MARCELmarcel n. A hairstyle characterized by deep waves made by a curling iron.
marcel n. A marcel wave.
marcel v. (Transitive) To wave (hair) by the marcel method.
MERCATmercat n. (Obsolete) Market; trade.
mercat n. A mermaid cat.
MERCAT n. (Scots) market; trade.
RACEMEraceme n. (Botany) An indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged along a single central axis.
RACEME n. an indefinite arrangement of flowers on a main stalk.
SCREAMscream n. A loud, emphatic, exclamation of extreme emotion, especially horror, fear, excitement, or anger; it…
scream n. A loud vocalisation of many animals, especially in response to pain or fear.
scream n. (Music) A form of singing associated with the metal and screamo styles of music. It is a loud, rough…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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