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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, C, E, H and L

BLEACHbleach adj. (Archaic) Pale; bleak.
bleach v. (Transitive) To treat with bleach, especially so as to whiten (Fabric, paper, etc.) or lighten (hair).
bleach v. (Intransitive) To be whitened or lightened (by the sun, for example).
CHALEHchaleh n. Alternative form of challah.
CHALEH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
CHALETchalet n. An alpine style of wooden building with a sloping roof and overhanging eaves.
châlet n. Alternative form of chalet.
CHALET n. a type of wooden house of Swiss origin, typically low, with wide projecting eaves.
CHAPELchapel n. (Especially Christianity) A place of worship, smaller than or subordinate to a church.
chapel n. A place of worship in another building or within a civil institution such as a larger church, airport…
chapel n. A funeral home, or a room in one for holding funeral services.
CHELAEchelae n. Plural of chela.
CHELA n. (Greek) a pincerlike claw.
CHELASchelas n. Plural of chela.
CHELA n. (Greek) a pincerlike claw.
CHEVALcheval n. (Obsolete) Only in compounds : a horse; hence, a support or frame.
CHEVAL adj. as in cheval glass, a full-length mirror that can be swivelled.
HACKLEhackle n. An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp.
hackle n. (Usually now in the plural) One of the long, narrow feathers on the neck of birds, most noticeable on the rooster.
hackle n. (Fishing) A feather used to make a fishing lure or a fishing lure incorporating a feather.
HELIACheliac adj. Alternative form of heliacal.
heliac n. A stellarator in which the magnetic axis (and plasma) follows a helical path to form a toroidal helix…
HELIAC adj. pertaining to the sun, also HELIACAL.
LACHESlaches n. Negligence in one’s duty.
laches n. (Law) An unreasonable delay in bringing a claim alleging a wrong, which means the person who waited…
Laches prop.n. A surname.
LEACHYleachy adj. Permitting liquids to pass by percolation; not capable of retaining water; porous.
LEACHY adj. permitting liquids to pass by percolation; porous.
PLEACHpleach v. (Transitive) To unite by interweaving, as (horticulture) branches of shrubs, trees, etc., to create…
pleach n. An act or result of interweaving; specifically, (horticulture) a hedge or lattice created by interweaving…
pleach n. (Horticulture) A branch of a shrub, tree, etc., used for pleaching; a pleacher.
SEALCHSEALCH n. (Scots) a seal (the animal), also SEALGH, SELKIE, SILKIE.
THECALthecal adj. Of or pertaining to a theca.
thecal adj. Possessing a theca.
THECAL adj. of or pertaining to a theca, as, a thecal abscess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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