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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, C, 2E and T

CERATEcerate n. (Medicine, archaic or historical) An unctuous preparation for external application — mainly wax (or…
cerate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The anion CeO32- of cerium.
CERATE n. a stiff ointment composed of wax, lard, or oil, and other ingredients.
CETANEcetane n. The aliphatic hydrocarbon C16H34 (hexadecane) used as a standard for diesel fuel.
CETANE n. a colourless liquid hydrocarbon, used as a diesel fuel.
COATEEcoatee n. A coat with short flaps.
COATEE n. a small coat.
CREATEcreate v. (Transitive) To bring into existence; (sometimes in particular:).
create v. (Transitive) To cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion.
create v. (Transitive) To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute.
EATCHEeatche pron. Obsolete spelling of each.
eatche n. (Scotland) Synonym of adze.
EATCHE n. (Scott) an adze.
ECARTEecarte n. A card game for two persons, with 32 cards, ranking K, Q, J, A, 10, 9, 8, 7. Five cards are dealt each…
écarté n. A card game in which one can discard certain cards from one’s hand and replace them with cards from the deck.
ECARTE n. (French) a card game.
EJECTAejecta n. (Geology) Material which has been ejected, especially from a volcano or an impact crater.
EJECTA n. material ejected esp. from a volcano, also EJECTAMENTA.
FACETEfacete adj. (Archaic) Facetious.
FACETE adj. (archaic) facetious.
TENACEtenace n. (Bridge) An interrupted sequence of high cards of the same suit, such as the king and jack or the ace and queen.
TENACE n. (Spanish) a combination of two high cards in some card games.
THECAEthecae n. Plural of theca.
THECA n. (Greek) a lobe, a lobulus of an anther.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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