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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, C, 2E and R

ALERCEalerce n. The wood of the sandarac tree (Tetraclinis).
alerce n. The Chilean arbor vitae (Austrocedrus chilensis).
ALERCE n. (Spanish) the wood of the sandarach tree.
AMERCEamerce v. (Transitive) To impose a fine on; to fine.
amerce v. (Transitive) To punish; to make an exaction.
AMERCE v. to fine or punish.
CAREENcareen v. (Nautical, transitive) To heave a ship down on one side so as to expose the other, in order to clean…
careen v. (Nautical, intransitive) To tilt on one side.
careen v. To lurch or sway violently from side to side.
CAREERcareer n. One’s calling in life; a person’s occupation; one’s profession.
career n. General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part of it.
career n. (Archaic) Speed.
CAREMECAREME n. (French) lent.
CERATEcerate n. (Medicine, archaic or historical) An unctuous preparation for external application — mainly wax (or…
cerate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The anion CeO32- of cerium.
CERATE n. a stiff ointment composed of wax, lard, or oil, and other ingredients.
CEREALcereal n. (Countable) A type of grass (such as wheat, rice or oats) cultivated for its edible grains.
cereal n. (Uncountable) The grains of such a grass.
cereal n. (Uncountable) Breakfast cereal.
CREASEcrease n. A line or mark made by folding or doubling any pliable substance; hence, a similar mark, however produced.
crease n. (Cricket) One of the white lines drawn on the pitch to show different areas of play; especially the…
crease n. (Lacrosse) The circle around the goal, where no offensive players can go.
CREATEcreate v. (Transitive) To bring into existence; (sometimes in particular:).
create v. (Transitive) To cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion.
create v. (Transitive) To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute.
DECAREdecare n. A unit of surface area equal to 10 ares (that is, 1,000 square metres, 0.10 hectares, or approximately 0.25 acres).
DECARE n. a measure equal to ten ares, also DEKARE.
ECARTEecarte n. A card game for two persons, with 32 cards, ranking K, Q, J, A, 10, 9, 8, 7. Five cards are dealt each…
écarté n. A card game in which one can discard certain cards from one’s hand and replace them with cards from the deck.
ECARTE n. (French) a card game.
ENRACEenrace v. (Obsolete) To enroot; to implant.
ENRACE v. (Spenser) to implant.
OCREAEocreae n. Plural of ocrea.
OCREA n. (Latin) a sheath of stipules enclosing the leafstalks of certain plants, also OCHREA.
PEARCEpearce v. Obsolete form of pierce.
Pearce prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
Pearce prop.n. An unincorporated community and ghost town in Cochise County, Arizona, United States. The Pearce post…
PREACEPREACE v. (Spenser) to press, also PREASE, PREASSE.
RACEMEraceme n. (Botany) An indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are arranged along a single central axis.
RACEME n. an indefinite arrangement of flowers on a main stalk.
RECANErecane v. (Transitive) To replace the cane or rattan in (a piece of furniture).
RECANE v. to replace the cane of.
REFACEreface v. (Transitive) To replace the face or surface of something; to create a new outer layer.
reface v. (Transitive) To face or confront again.
REFACE v. to repair the outer surface of.
RELACErelace v. (Transitive) To lace again.
RELACE v. to do up again.
SEARCEsearce n. (Obsolete, countable) A sieve; a strainer.
searce v. (Obsolete) To sift (through a sieve); to bolt.
SEARCE v. (obsolete) to sift.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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